Ahhhhhhhhh it ROCKS to see so many of my old friends, w00t!
Can I tell you how much I absolutely freaking LOVE working when it's a full moon? All of my patients were either shitters or screamers last night, or both, and how the hell did I have TWO schizophrenic patients? That's some crap. One guy proceeds to shit all over the flipping floor. Out STANDING. Yeah, THIS is why I became a nurse! Needless to say I did NOT go home in the same scrubs I came to work in. I am just not the advocate for joining the nursing profession right now, lol.
On the upside, Jordan got her first tooth. It's so cute! It's a little one on the bottom. She's like a little jack-o-lantern with her big pumpkin head. Hehe!
Can I tell you how much I absolutely freaking LOVE working when it's a full moon? All of my patients were either shitters or screamers last night, or both, and how the hell did I have TWO schizophrenic patients? That's some crap. One guy proceeds to shit all over the flipping floor. Out STANDING. Yeah, THIS is why I became a nurse! Needless to say I did NOT go home in the same scrubs I came to work in. I am just not the advocate for joining the nursing profession right now, lol.
On the upside, Jordan got her first tooth. It's so cute! It's a little one on the bottom. She's like a little jack-o-lantern with her big pumpkin head. Hehe!

Thanks doll..