I recently bought a PSP. I have dorked out to all new levels. It's been a while since I got into an RPG (roll playing game, not rocket propelled grenade) and have had to concern myself with things like resistance to lava and poison gas. I've always used the phrase "man, my hit points are really low right now" to describe how I feel when I'm hung over, and "dude, that just restored my hit points" to describe that first cocktail that jazzes you up for the evening, so I guess I haven't been entirely out of the loop.
In other news, I've been busying myself in the Zoolander group, where [in the immortal words of Rob Van Winkle] I flow like a harpoon daily and nightly. Will I ever stop? Yo, I don't know. Turn off the lights, and I'll glow. To the extreme I rock the mike like a vandal light up the stage and wax a chump like a candle. Et Cetera.
I have a new internet friend, liger, who I'm a huge fan of. She lives in Vegas, excellent. She loves Zoolander, excellent. She kicks bitches' asses on the rugby pitch, excellent. She's considering the raw foods diet, uh...um...moving on! Anyway, props to liger who is awesome. If you think you can hang in the Zoolander group, give it a shot, but be warned. We are fierce.
Also, a shout-out to alyk, who has expressed that she'd be willing to beat the holy hell out of any women who insult me undeservedly. So watch your ass liger, I gots me a female bodyguard for beating up female perpetrators.
Wait, alyk vs. liger in a Vegas cage match? Michael Buffer announcing? I have a dream...
This update has been edited for a typo pointed out by a dedicated Vanilla Ice fan.
In other news, I've been busying myself in the Zoolander group, where [in the immortal words of Rob Van Winkle] I flow like a harpoon daily and nightly. Will I ever stop? Yo, I don't know. Turn off the lights, and I'll glow. To the extreme I rock the mike like a vandal light up the stage and wax a chump like a candle. Et Cetera.
I have a new internet friend, liger, who I'm a huge fan of. She lives in Vegas, excellent. She loves Zoolander, excellent. She kicks bitches' asses on the rugby pitch, excellent. She's considering the raw foods diet, uh...um...moving on! Anyway, props to liger who is awesome. If you think you can hang in the Zoolander group, give it a shot, but be warned. We are fierce.
Also, a shout-out to alyk, who has expressed that she'd be willing to beat the holy hell out of any women who insult me undeservedly. So watch your ass liger, I gots me a female bodyguard for beating up female perpetrators.
Wait, alyk vs. liger in a Vegas cage match? Michael Buffer announcing? I have a dream...

This update has been edited for a typo pointed out by a dedicated Vanilla Ice fan.
the only thing i ever heard about him was people talking when he died. but never herd his stuff. i'll check him out.
yeah, dude you need to equip tha ice vambraces when in a lava area.