or: I Want to Show the Nation My Appreciation
Sooooo, I get home from a grueling [ahem] 6 hour workday, and am kinda pissed because the subway was hotter than the most intense hellfires imaginable, and I'm only stopping home to change because I have to go all the way to the upper east side to move a couch for my sister. As I approach the door, I see a package. What can this be? It's a package, yes, but what's inside? Is it for me or my roommate? Well, it's addressed to me, and it's from Smuffy!
Well, I nearly tear the door off of the hinges so I can get inside (partly because I have to go the bathroom, but mostly because of my package!). So in I go and tear the box open (this is starting to sound dirty), and what's inside but a cache of goods, nay, of booty, that a badass pirate like Captain Crunch [see Duderonomy's avatar, if he ever activates, until then, Captain Crunch is lurkin' in the sha-DOWS] would be proud of. CC would cut the throat of his first mate to keep the whereabouts of this treasure a secret. Seriously, I know CCs first mate, and he's a dirty fuckin' scallywag.
So I lovingly remove the items from the box, and place them on the couch so that I can admire my haul.
Yep, I peed myself too. For the next 15 minutes I contemplate exactly how I can use all of the items at once. I come up with bupkis. But, in all of my wild imaginings of exciting combinations, one sticks out. Red Chili Sauce. Slim Jims. Observe.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
I then used the chalk she gave me on the chalkboard I won at the bar, fair and square mind you.
So thanks Smuffy!
Also, I was talking to lilyk last night and she mentioned a grave injustice. I have not given appropriate thanks to her for the sushi set she got me. She got me a sushi set for when I order Japanese in at home. It kicks ass. It's the kind of thing an adult would have and most importantly, it's a constant reminder that a beauty such as lilyk would take the time to shop for me.
Also also, lilyk and Smuffy are the masterminds behind the purchase of the aforementioned scourge of the seven seas (or at least the scourge of the 700 square feet that is my LES apartment), the formidible, terrifying, and surprisingly left-wing Captain Crunch. I want to put of a picture of this marvel of craftsmanship, but I don't want to spoil duderonomy's avatar. BECAUSE IT'S STILL REAL TO HIM, DAMNIT!