Some observations on life, by numbers:
1) Why would I link my own name on this page? It's only going to bring you right back here anyway. Starting off on a good note.
2) lilyk gets her ass kicked more than John McClane.
3) I bitch and moan about waking up at 4am to get to the airport, and then I sit there for 70 minutes before boarding because I'm too anal to risk getting there any later. Whoever decides to date me next is in for some serious confusion.
4) I had a footlong toasted chicken, bacon, ranch on wheat yesterday for lunch. Except that instead of the normal toppings, I opted for only salt, pepper, and parmesan cheese. No lettuce. No tomato. No nothin'. And I wonder why I can't climb a flight of stairs without my heart palpitating.
5) I go to more birthday parties in New Jersey than a kiddie magician based in Newark.
6) I don't need to drink alcohol to have a good time. I need everyone else to drink alcohol so that I can have a good time. I just join in so I don't seem like an outsider.
7) I've never used the same thing to keep my hair in order twice in a row. What I mean is, when I ran out of BedHead stuff, I didn't buy another bottle. I changed it up. American Crew Fiber. Then American Crew Pomade. Now Sebastian Pomade. Someday, I figure one of these supermarket-bought hair care products will blow the doors off the thing and I'll get consistent.
8) I saw a sign at a bar recently that said "Sunday is the new Saturday." Does that mean that CSI: Miami airs on Tuesday now? I'm so confused.
1) Why would I link my own name on this page? It's only going to bring you right back here anyway. Starting off on a good note.
2) lilyk gets her ass kicked more than John McClane.
3) I bitch and moan about waking up at 4am to get to the airport, and then I sit there for 70 minutes before boarding because I'm too anal to risk getting there any later. Whoever decides to date me next is in for some serious confusion.
4) I had a footlong toasted chicken, bacon, ranch on wheat yesterday for lunch. Except that instead of the normal toppings, I opted for only salt, pepper, and parmesan cheese. No lettuce. No tomato. No nothin'. And I wonder why I can't climb a flight of stairs without my heart palpitating.
5) I go to more birthday parties in New Jersey than a kiddie magician based in Newark.
6) I don't need to drink alcohol to have a good time. I need everyone else to drink alcohol so that I can have a good time. I just join in so I don't seem like an outsider.
7) I've never used the same thing to keep my hair in order twice in a row. What I mean is, when I ran out of BedHead stuff, I didn't buy another bottle. I changed it up. American Crew Fiber. Then American Crew Pomade. Now Sebastian Pomade. Someday, I figure one of these supermarket-bought hair care products will blow the doors off the thing and I'll get consistent.
8) I saw a sign at a bar recently that said "Sunday is the new Saturday." Does that mean that CSI: Miami airs on Tuesday now? I'm so confused.

stop turngin me on
you are so mean