Work this! I am slowly finding just the good things about work, they have to be my solice, lest I just quit and go broke. The dry cleaning business is not gonna pay us all nearly enough to live well on.
Because these fools can't keep their dick skinners out of the F'ing cash drawer!!!
I swear if I find how much has been lifted in the last week is any more than lunch and gas I will take a Mag Lite to this little mans intestines and run him up the flag pole!!! Why do people think they can be shady and get away with it. I am not a violent person but I don't have any patience when it comes to integrity. I am paid for it, it is an integral part of my job to be beyond question. I am entrusted with a fortune and with the health and safety of my peers and the public every day, its not that tough to be honest and to be trusted. Jeez....
Because these fools can't keep their dick skinners out of the F'ing cash drawer!!!
I swear if I find how much has been lifted in the last week is any more than lunch and gas I will take a Mag Lite to this little mans intestines and run him up the flag pole!!! Why do people think they can be shady and get away with it. I am not a violent person but I don't have any patience when it comes to integrity. I am paid for it, it is an integral part of my job to be beyond question. I am entrusted with a fortune and with the health and safety of my peers and the public every day, its not that tough to be honest and to be trusted. Jeez....

I'm Canadian. We're currently dealing with the spectacle of approximately 100 million dollars of public money having gone into the pockets of various fat cats in our government from 1996-2001. Amongst these is the former minister responsible for the crown corporation I work for. He claims to have known nothing... *sigh*
Guess I'll go workout and do some cleaning.
I have had a lifelong abiding love for words. However, I work in customer service for the Post Office. Hardly the career I dreamed of. Mind you, when I was a kid, I alternated between being the woman who sang "O, Canada" at hockey games and a prostitute, as career goals. I think fireman was in there somewhere too *ponders*
I'm overeducated and underchallenged.