So the back shifts begin, I have been on the 2nd shift working 'til midnight and though I would normally spend the last couple social hours in the bar community, I have been matching schedules with my little girl. Pleasant indeed. A stronger yearning for that bit of warmth than for the broader social circles. What does it mean.....time will tell. In the mean Time...
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You do sound pretty chipper for, what, 6:30 AM? Impressive!
thanks for the bday wishes - definitely come by and say hi!
The things I do to earn an honest living!!!
I actually wore Galoshes today!!!
Funny but I remember wearing them in the 4th grade. smile
Everyone else had 'Moon Boots', I had galoshes. Full circle, I was happy to have them today, I was wading through vegitation and river creatures, it was 80F and I was inside an enclosure wrapped in a plastic suit mad I came...
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Your backyard sounds a lot like my garden. I should probably do something about that so I can plant some stuff. tongue
duuude, galoshes are totally the new moon boots! wink
OK Good evening to Y'all, More than a couple of Tough long islands to the credit and I am just here to say Hi and bounce up north to see my little girl. I have the best sesame salmon waiting for dinner and exams tommorrow surreal Good night to all and to all good fortune! kiss
Good luck with the exams, and have a great weekend! biggrin
Yes, I'm going to make my libido my bitch. kiss
Wicked weekend, deliciously So!!! biggrin
Pictures to follow, I will expound, more soon, I have someone makoing my supper. Yay surreal
You're painting a chainlink fence? confused What colour? smile Sounds like someone in the city is on a power trip. *grin*

Nekkid! YEAH! smile Um, how do you dl a camera? *pictures a replicator*
Thanks for the info and the friend request! I meant to send one to you, actually.

To answer your questions, I have been busy but good. I have gotten to enjoy the weather, and I intend to continue to enjoy it until it becomes hot and muggy enough for me to start complaining. And I tend not to worship the sun. I'm more of a moon worshipper. So what about you? How YOU doin'? smile
Allow me to let out a Turbo HEEEEELLLLS YEEAAAA!!! tongue

The weekend is now, full on blow off the extra curriculars,(plumbing up a hot water heater and three wash machines/running new breakers, conduit and wiring for these and 3 dryers as well)fully authorized, and headed to the beach!!! I actually slept last night. Super terriffic! On top of all that I just had the hair cut,...
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Figured I'd stop by and say hey! biggrin So how're you doing? And where do you go to get massages? I've been looking for a good (and preferably affordable) place to go. smile
yoyoyyyoyoyoy......hey!!!!!! smile
Ugh, 22 hours alert, now I just don't want to go to bed.
Hard to see through the dry contacts surreal
The rain although soothing just cannot last through the weekend!!!
I have soo much to do, not the least of which, the beach is calling me, I look forward to climbing jockey's ridge and watching the sun go down..... smile
Glad to hear you are attempting to get some sleep. Good boy smile

Above wink brought to you while I am on my exercise bike. Yes, I surf while working out. *grin*
Damn ADDnothing better than wasting a whole journal entry and feeling good about it then mis posting and losing it all.
Oh well, happy holiday to those of you who see it as such, Congrats on fasting for those who did...etc and enjoy your holiday pay for all of us working on the holiday ....Double time!!!! biggrin
I'm not sure how to explain it. It's so much easier to just do it.

I start with the ring at the center of the rope then pull both ends through an eye in the ceiling. I then pull both ends again through the ring and eye until I have a managable amount to pull through the ring one more time, the then immediatly pull the ends through the ring and start wraping the remaining ends around the vertical rope tie, then finish it off by pulling the rope through the center of the vertiacal rope and pull the ends around the opposite sides of the vertical rope and end with a square knot.
*wave* I had a boy-less weekend. It was nice to get out of the city. I spent a lot of time sitting in my hotel room reading up on knots smile

*stares raptly at what Amadio is rigging up and considers it*
So things are well, people are learning to cope and learn from each other. I believe that is due to, in part, the new delivery vehicle we just bought, Scion xB (pictures to come soon), and we just secured as many as 3 franchise locations. One should be making us $$ in as little as 10 days!!! On top of the original sale!!!

So all...
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Running a business smile Fun smile I used to have a business back in the early '90s and re: your journal of a few days ago, yeah partners are a royal pain in the ass. Glad to hear things are starting to pick up.

I'm waiting for the day I can strap on a kingsized dildo and give the Man a good sweaty workout. ooo aaa
Repost (plus commentary):
OK so I can not be the only consevative freak in the house!
I am not a fan of our government in general, I am even less a fan of the partisans in our legislature. Most of all the bleeding heart party. As G.dubya.B and his hootin'Annie make concessions to the Dem's they have done a few good things, let them come...
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The commercial is money we don't have. It was quite the high risk decision. We bought ads on 96X and FM99 in hopes that they would pay for themselves in a week or so. It's not happening quite as fast as we hoped.
Thanks. smile
Work this! I am slowly finding just the good things about work, they have to be my solice, lest I just quit and go broke. The dry cleaning business is not gonna pay us all nearly enough to live well on.
Because these fools can't keep their dick skinners out of the F'ing cash drawer!!!
I swear if I find how much has been lifted...
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Stealing is not cool frown

I'm Canadian. We're currently dealing with the spectacle of approximately 100 million dollars of public money having gone into the pockets of various fat cats in our government from 1996-2001. Amongst these is the former minister responsible for the crown corporation I work for. He claims to have known nothing... *sigh*

Guess I'll go workout and do some cleaning.
Well thank you for giving me the moon. wink

I have had a lifelong abiding love for words. However, I work in customer service for the Post Office. Hardly the career I dreamed of. Mind you, when I was a kid, I alternated between being the woman who sang "O, Canada" at hockey games and a prostitute, as career goals. I think fireman was in there somewhere too *ponders*

I'm overeducated and underchallenged.
So I am Mr. Gabe to all my employees, is it bad that I dislike it.... If they want to give me a title they should use my last name....or just call me Gabe like I introduced myself as in the first place.

So I will not be able to stop working for Mr Burns for a while...I have to be able to make the...
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*grin* Yeah a little different. I'm playing with profile pics. I rarely wear makeup and the lipstick seems a little much. I think I will go back to plain Jane pic. Hmm.

5 items I can't live without: rope, string, cord. Yeah I guess you know about knots shocked
I went out today and bought $120 worth of books. The best I think, a little book called Slave Craft for my little one. It's very wellwritten. I'm enjoying a good read first.

It's good to have hobbies smile My past addictions were quite as healthy as rope!
Partners....be it the girl who has ones heart, or the boy who has his fingers in the bank acct and fights with the other fella who is about to make us all some big $$ Whatever, I have such a foul taste in my mouth for partners, the inflexible nature of some people is very disheartening! I am so laid back I cannot fathom the...
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hey! thanks for the advice man!!! yeah partners can be a pain in the ass sometimes but they can be very valuable....or you can just crack skulls....yeah!!!!! later man.