Happy New Year! Holy shit I don't write in here enough. I always forget. I've been better with my Livejournal--I guess I can only handle one blog at a time.
If you want to hear me and my hetero-lifemate Nigel's latest musical crackscape, go visit the i, fanblades web site. We recorded it over the weekend. This time, it's got a beat and you can dance to it. Or at least, that's what Hannah is saying while I am playing it for her now. Also, Joe B., this awesome kid who has a solo project called Methadrone, is really into what we're doing and seems interesting in collaborating. I could have skweejed my shorts. His shit's crazy-good and awesome.
In the meantime, hopefully I'll update again soon. Sooner than 3 months from now, at least.
If you want to hear me and my hetero-lifemate Nigel's latest musical crackscape, go visit the i, fanblades web site. We recorded it over the weekend. This time, it's got a beat and you can dance to it. Or at least, that's what Hannah is saying while I am playing it for her now. Also, Joe B., this awesome kid who has a solo project called Methadrone, is really into what we're doing and seems interesting in collaborating. I could have skweejed my shorts. His shit's crazy-good and awesome.
In the meantime, hopefully I'll update again soon. Sooner than 3 months from now, at least.