I saw Kill Bill 2 last night, as you may have read in Hannie's journal from last night. Man....it was so good...just...wow....amazingly uncommonly spectacular. The only thing I even remotely had against the first one was that, despite jumping around in time, the plot was still rather linear. KB2 complexifies things immensely, and with KB1 and 2 taken as a single film (as it was originally intended) it is absolutely amazing. Quentin (who is SUCH a cinema nerd it's unbelievable...and unbelievably cute), actually managed to surpass Pulp Fiction. I was pretty sure he had with KB1 but I was reserving judgement 'til i saw the sequel, and know i know for sure. Kill Bill Thrills You Ill.
3 comments you won't understand til you see the movie....
Pai Mei is cool as shit.
"Elle and I" is the best chapter title of anything ever.
I was not before, but am now....claustrophobic. Coffins suck.
Go see it! And stay til the end of the (really long) credits for a very short yet amusing outtake.
3 comments you won't understand til you see the movie....
Pai Mei is cool as shit.
"Elle and I" is the best chapter title of anything ever.
I was not before, but am now....claustrophobic. Coffins suck.
Go see it! And stay til the end of the (really long) credits for a very short yet amusing outtake.

If you just keep it quiet no one will know or care.