Wow. I ignore this thing almost as much as my honey does. Oh well. It's rough trying to keep up all the blogs at the same time...maybe I should work on that.
Stuff that's happened since...July. Jeezus.
--Went to National Poetry Slam
--Got a new haircut
--Got a new roommate (Nigel)
--Made a new friend (Susane)
--Finished and published my chapbook, "Dear Fuckface", and if... Read More
We are somewhat settled into our new place, which is nice. It'll be even nicer when we unpack everything and get organized. Also when we get some new living room furniture. All we have now is the delapidated 2-legged couch. We also have a router so I can update from my baby Mac laptop again!
Liam and Nigel have been nice enough to take Matt and I in until we move to our new place on Friday. I have to say I'm pretty excited to have our new place finally.
All kinds of good appliances, two bathrooms, a pool...*sigh* Sooo good.
My throat is really really sore today, and it sucks a lot. Not much... Read More
K, it's late and I should go to bed instead of updating, but I need to just say I hope that the place we looked into renting today turns out to be our bit of Friday the 13th luck that we're all waiting for. Such super-awesomeness in a place to rent...makes me feel kinda grown up.
But not too much. We can do that place... Read More
In other news, man am I horny today. Also, saw Hot Brian outside the diner and had an immediate urge to go proposition him. Luckily we were in the car.
But Matt says he'd make out with him too. Sexy.
Not much to say right now...too distracted, and David Cross is on... Read More
Some things are good though. I will be staying in Delaware for the next 2 years at least while Matt goes to grad school.
But I have an appointment in Williamsport with the endocrinologist on Monday, and I'm nervous about my lab work and stuff as usual. I really want to get this diabetes thing down, even... Read More
But I could have clicked on it and bought their single tho!