Now I've...
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Just a bit of an update, nothin really interesting has been happening lately, went out for halloween, was pretty fun, have had some strange women problems! Lesbian kisses? Absolute Stunners telling me how Perfect I am n shit!! Very Surreal....Have also fell back in love with Slipknot and cannot stop listening to Gently and Surfacing! must be a phase I am going through ha ha...
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what are himsa like? i heard one saong a while back and liked it alot but ive not heard anymore of there stuff....
who doesnt keep falling back in love with slipknot? uv got to love those crazy kids...men xx
well things are lookin up for me!! I recently got back talking to the guy who was an arsehole to me, so we're cool again, my ex is still somewhat of a pain at times but we're gettin there slowly with us talkin a lot more, other than that things are goin ok!! oh here is a pic of me that I took last night!!

it was a surprise even for me

So I noticed you dug the last bailey set! If you are interested you can read about behind the scenes info in my Oct. 31st journal entry. So did you notice the burning car? Most people mised it. ITs our fun little "plant".
Changed my Alias as I was bored with it, I also added a couple of new folders to my pictures, more artwork to come, I am still in the process of doing tattoo flash sheets but will post pictures as I finish them hope you like em!!

lmao your pure lovin the bands!!
Yeah is it Ken you were drinking with? He's really cool I met him at Sounds of the Underground over here a few months back, I remember meeting Howard about 4 years ago on their first UK tour with him in the band!! But then again I've met some quite famous people including DIMEBAG!! He shook my hand in Manchester and asked me how I was doing coz i was waiting near the tour bus for hours
Yeah is it Ken you were drinking with? He's really cool I met him at Sounds of the Underground over here a few months back, I remember meeting Howard about 4 years ago on their first UK tour with him in the band!! But then again I've met some quite famous people including DIMEBAG!! He shook my hand in Manchester and asked me how I was doing coz i was waiting near the tour bus for hours
You did indeed pop my SG comment cherry,

I cannot abide Men who think that its ok to Hit women or push them around!!
Last night I got a phone call on my mobile number from a number I thought I recognised but wasnt 100% sure, Now I've heard tales that this guy who my friend is seeing is a bit of a jealous psycho, when I answered the phone I could here...
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Last night I got a phone call on my mobile number from a number I thought I recognised but wasnt 100% sure, Now I've heard tales that this guy who my friend is seeing is a bit of a jealous psycho, when I answered the phone I could here...
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lets get in an ass kicking mood! xxx
6 months
i find it difficult going without it for 6 days

Ok so I've had enough of all of the wiseass comments regarding my picture of me with a tattoo gun, that pic was took at a friends house where he had converted a room into a studio so call 'him' what you will not me, As far as I'm concerend I would rather go the route of getting an apprenticeship, It is proving difficult and...
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Hey chick, If its what u want to do, do it. Use every lead that you can, as long as it's safe. Everyone has got to start somewhere. I go to one of the top guys in the uk, and he started the same way, no one would give him a break apart form his friends and now he is one of the top tattooist in london. If you believe yourself to be medico what s the point of doing it - be and strive to be the best. Others got there break, im sure with determination, which is what u have got, You used some inative and asked for advice, unfortunalty thats not entirely what you got. But thats to be expected. If you are determined enough someone will give you the break you need. If its a dream , make it real, dont just let it be a dream

Ok so I'm going out with my best friend Vicky tomorrow night who is a lesbian, She's gonna take me round a few of the Gaybars in Middlesborough and then to a Club after with about 10 of her mates, I'm the only straight guy goin and feeling a little apprehensive even tho everyone is saying that the gay guys will love me, I dont...
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Gay bars are usually the most fun. They're cool with you being straight. Hope you had fun.
yeah I did actually, The music was absolutely terrible though it was non stop Rave but other than that it was cool, was better than the straight club we went to last where the guys/children just sat and stared at my 2 lesbian friends I was gettin a little annoyed!!!
Oh and I updated my profile slightly so please have a look!!!

Well kalems a lot better now, I've dyed my hair AGAIN!!! Will post some pics later, I'm venturing out to Middlesborough on Saturday for my friends birthday, should be fun, Maybe I will meet the woman of my dreams? I doubt it but you never know!!

That sounds like some serious dreaming.