Well, Not really much to report, Things are kinda ok, one of my friends is goin thru a rough time, His sister was in a head on collision with a truck and is in Intensive Care and hasnt woken up yet, she only has a 30% chance of survival. Another has just gone into hospital for surgery on polycystic ovaries, So i'm real worried about...
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Long time since I last posted, Nothin much really interesting has happened, I have been given lots of graveyard shifts at work but its cool coz it gives me chance to draw and think about stuff, Hope everyone is ok?

Thanks... I'm Michelle. And I will definitely be in touch. Are you on aim/msn at all?

The pics of you and your little one are adorable, btw. I'd definitely like to see some more of your artwork, as well. :]
ha shows how much i take notice init. oh well. shame you couldnt go
I've decided to let him go enjoy himself for a few days, At least it made her smile.....not that I should care but it was just nice to see her smile again......How Emo am I?? eeek
yeah i was stood with stacey and tubby.
Im not sure.i just know she passed away last thursday.
its ok. i'm an emo cunt as well..

come to london. we need to make cookies xx
I've come to the conclusion that i'm actually terrified of anything happening to Kalem, His mother has just Asked/Told me that her grandmother wants to take him away in a caravan for a few nights, I was like But...What....The....But......ermmmm.. I couldnt give her a straight answer, with which she blows her top (as per usual) I dunno but I just think she sees me as...
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oh dear sweetie. it is hard to let go but i think u need to think it through logically and go with your instinct. if you dont think he'll be safe dont let him go xxx
Why do all the shite things come at once?

NVQ is pissin me off, after all of the drama of havin an assessor not havin an assessor yadda yadda I now have 4 weeks or its my job and i have near enough a full NVQ level 2 to do, Kalems mum told me off for havin a dirty house earlier, even tho she's not...
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cuz i'm Canadian.. and i wanna go home i suppose.

mind you if i do stay i have a job for 6 weeks. starts in a couple weeks. but i'm homesick i guess
i cant. visa runs out in june anyways.. o well
I am in the shit at work, I have like 4 weeks to do almost an Entire NVQ or I'm gettin sacked from work, I have been fucked around so much with this thing that its really getting me down, Now the assessor is saying its all my fault!! Seriously fucked off with the whole thing, I am just gonna make it up as I...
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if i peed or barfed i wouldnt make you clean it up...
It seems that I'm no longer 'Economically Viable' where my so-called friends are concerned, Being a Single Father, I dont really get the oppurtunity to get out much, I also work Part time so that takes up a lot of my free time as well.

I just feel like my friends dont want me hanging around with them anymore, I know a lot of you...
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friends do suck. but only when they dont know how to deal with a situation. Sometimes my friends are like that - especially when i told them i wanted to do SG! it was suddenly like they didnt know how to act around me so they didnt invite me out either.

Tell them to grow up and that they should respect you MORE for taking on the position of single dad.

If they cant see that you're more of a man than they are, tell them to fuck off instead biggrin
grrrrrr thats makes me angry when friends are like that and don't think.

whats wrong with staying in and hanging out with mates. i love a good night in with loads of junk food and a good film and some wine but in your case milk. hmmm milk is good though esp with nesquick powder stuff mmmmmmmm milkshakes

A couple of weeks has passed since my last blog, Things are getting slightly surreal around here, First off let me tell you all, I have:
A) Given up smoking
B) Given up Drinking
C) Decided to become celibate for a while

Now your probably thinking ok quitting drinking and smoking is ok! but Celibacy? Well the reason I have chosen not to pursue the...
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I did the celebicy thing for a while. It will do you good with so much chaos in your life. I ended up being more aware of who I let into my personal space. Decisions become more thought over. It eventually gives you the freedom to pick and choose who you want to be with. You dont feel like you need to fill that need for attachment. A really good friend once told me that "Suffering comes from attachment". If you think about it, it's totally true. In the end....I met the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I have never been this happy. Stay committed to your personal control. It sucks at first, but its good for the soul.
Urgghhhh, I'm gettin a tooth removed under sedation today, I'm not really afraid of anything, but I have to say that Dentists freak me the fuck out!! It all stems from when I was a child I think when I had this Gas Anaesthesia and they ended up restraining me when i was about 12 I was actually pinned down by nurses while they took...
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yeah i'm fyuckin high asa kite now with a swollen face lol!! it feels pretty neat actually!! surreal
Hope you're feeling better, or at least have some good drugs. biggrin
Its been a long time since I last wrote here, There have been lots of Ups and Downs (mainly downs) Christmas came and went without too much hassle, New Years I spent alone, Got screwed over by another female of the species (when will I learn???) Decided that I am gonna take a sabbatical on tryin to find anyone decent!! I hate my job and...
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Hey hunni, you are only 32 can't possibly be a mid life crisis yet, just a blip on the road to happiness.
Hope things get cheerier for you soon though kiss