i would like to make my life more sacred.
i grow a patch of stinging nettles in my back yard for medicinal use. if you run your skin over thier leaves and stalks they will sting you. at first the sting is a bit painfull like little needles in your skin. then small red circular welts form on your skin in clusters where you were stung. after a while they fade and you have...
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happy happy birthday, mama!
Happy Birthday, darlin! Hope you had a wonderful day. I spent most of your birthday in the sun or in the ocean, and it was a fantastic day.
Ooooh, yes! Ginger=good. Is that beauty I see before me a passionflower? ^^^^^
Thanks for the luck, this job is working at a spa and I think I'm perfect for it. Let's see if they think so as well.
Thanks for the luck, this job is working at a spa and I think I'm perfect for it. Let's see if they think so as well.

Oooh, are there any job openings at nouvelle, inc.?
once again i am reminded that my mental and physical health are no ones responsibility but my own.
i can do this.
this year i travel.
two weeks in august with my bestest girlfriend to guatemala.
later in november to thailand, there i will learn thai healing massage and bring it back to cali.
i can do this.
this year i travel.
two weeks in august with my bestest girlfriend to guatemala.
later in november to thailand, there i will learn thai healing massage and bring it back to cali.
i forget you are a CA person.
i was bummed last night to realize Roxanne's closed. where else is there?
note: question left intentionally opened-ended.
i was bummed last night to realize Roxanne's closed. where else is there?
note: question left intentionally opened-ended.
Thanks, dear. Will definitely be looking you up.
right now i am cloud head, when i sneeze it feels as if a bit of my mind blows out.
you didn't need that bit of clutter anyway. 

ooooooooooo it comforts me that you are around!
soy mocha's make me feel like a champ!
i own waking life, it's a wonderful movie.
i find that i lucid dream much more often since i've begun recording my dreams. i also dream about dreaming a lot, since i'm thinking about it all the time. sometimes this can have terrifying results, like in this nightmare: http://www.livejournal.com/users/silversadness/2004/01/12 . (for several months i was recording my dreams in a livejournal the way i now record them here. i never gave up on the paper journaling, i just got tired of re-writing it all for the net after a while. we'll see how long it lasts this time.)
i find that i lucid dream much more often since i've begun recording my dreams. i also dream about dreaming a lot, since i'm thinking about it all the time. sometimes this can have terrifying results, like in this nightmare: http://www.livejournal.com/users/silversadness/2004/01/12 . (for several months i was recording my dreams in a livejournal the way i now record them here. i never gave up on the paper journaling, i just got tired of re-writing it all for the net after a while. we'll see how long it lasts this time.)
happy new year, doll.

Thank you for the recommendations!

tracy is playing at the exploratorium tonite at 8pm and at the Hemlock at hemlock and polk on saturday. i'm going on saturday. paradise island is playing too. info is in on her web site at www.tracyandtheplastics.com
for those who wish to be ignorant and free
you will get what never was and what never can be
you will get what never was and what never can be
dildos are quite laughable at times.....
I'm ignorant. Can I be wild and free too?
Guess which one I'm catching this weekend?

every month it's as if the dam is slowly building pressure. the day before it breaks is always the hardest...confusion, agrevation, depression, much day dreaming about the greener grass that could be. then once the bleeding starts all of the yuckiness flows right out with it and i'm only left with the warm swirly feeling in my pelvic cavity. after all these years i'm finally...
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You too? It's happening at the same time to EVERYONE.