For those of you about to read this, sorry, it's random, disorganized, and may not make alot of sense
Today was a beautiful day, the weather was amazing. It was one of those sit in the grass in between class days. It seems that with better weather I've found my self not having as much anxiety as I have been. It's a good feeling. I'm not used to being anxious and at times very timid around people. When I was still in the army I rarely had a problem with this. Well that's not entirely true, until 2003 I was a rather shy introverted person. I returned from the invasion of Iraq a new person. Some of the transformation was bad and the dark times that followed are not ones that I share often. One positive thing gained though was a new outgoing and confident way of seeing the world. Now, only 3 months after signing out of the army I'm having trouble again. I know it has alot to do with the hyper-sped transition from leaving Iraq for the last time (I hope) on Sept 26, 2007 to signing out of the army December 3, 2007 to all of a suden I'm a college freshman on January 14, 2008 living in a place I've never lived before with my nearest friends being about an hour and a half away. I've gotten off topic, way off topic. My workout today was good, as usual. It's gotten to the point that if I don't make it to the gym mon-fri I actually wake up the next day not feeling as good as if I did go. The weekends are mine for other enjoyments. The one low note of my day was spending 3 hrs revising a paper I had to write for my philosophy class. What amounted to about an extra half a page of revision took forever. Now I'm sitting here having a glass of my favorite mistake (tommy bahama and coke) and rambling on into cyber-space. I'm still trying to figure out if I'm going to do the picture progress thing once a week or once every other week. I'm planning on seeing Horton Hears a Who this weekend, it looks hilarious. Spring break is so close I can taste it! Unfortunately I'm not doing anything special for it. I was going to take a road trip (to where I don't know), but with gas prices jumping like they did this week it just doesn't seem all that feasable. Maybe a day trip to Nashville, we shall see. On another side note I've found that reading philosophy makes alot more sense after a couple drinks. I'm still trying to learn guitar, its coming along very slowly though in part because of school. I've also decided to pick back up the trumpet. I used to be pretty good at it, and I think with a little time I could be again. I wish I never would have quit. In other exciting news I'm going to get the rest of my stuff in on monday!!!! I had to ship all but a suitcase, a suitbag, and a cary on worth of stuff here and well there were unforseen delays. Regardless it will all be here monday!!!! That's it I think I've said enough.

Today was a beautiful day, the weather was amazing. It was one of those sit in the grass in between class days. It seems that with better weather I've found my self not having as much anxiety as I have been. It's a good feeling. I'm not used to being anxious and at times very timid around people. When I was still in the army I rarely had a problem with this. Well that's not entirely true, until 2003 I was a rather shy introverted person. I returned from the invasion of Iraq a new person. Some of the transformation was bad and the dark times that followed are not ones that I share often. One positive thing gained though was a new outgoing and confident way of seeing the world. Now, only 3 months after signing out of the army I'm having trouble again. I know it has alot to do with the hyper-sped transition from leaving Iraq for the last time (I hope) on Sept 26, 2007 to signing out of the army December 3, 2007 to all of a suden I'm a college freshman on January 14, 2008 living in a place I've never lived before with my nearest friends being about an hour and a half away. I've gotten off topic, way off topic. My workout today was good, as usual. It's gotten to the point that if I don't make it to the gym mon-fri I actually wake up the next day not feeling as good as if I did go. The weekends are mine for other enjoyments. The one low note of my day was spending 3 hrs revising a paper I had to write for my philosophy class. What amounted to about an extra half a page of revision took forever. Now I'm sitting here having a glass of my favorite mistake (tommy bahama and coke) and rambling on into cyber-space. I'm still trying to figure out if I'm going to do the picture progress thing once a week or once every other week. I'm planning on seeing Horton Hears a Who this weekend, it looks hilarious. Spring break is so close I can taste it! Unfortunately I'm not doing anything special for it. I was going to take a road trip (to where I don't know), but with gas prices jumping like they did this week it just doesn't seem all that feasable. Maybe a day trip to Nashville, we shall see. On another side note I've found that reading philosophy makes alot more sense after a couple drinks. I'm still trying to learn guitar, its coming along very slowly though in part because of school. I've also decided to pick back up the trumpet. I used to be pretty good at it, and I think with a little time I could be again. I wish I never would have quit. In other exciting news I'm going to get the rest of my stuff in on monday!!!! I had to ship all but a suitcase, a suitbag, and a cary on worth of stuff here and well there were unforseen delays. Regardless it will all be here monday!!!! That's it I think I've said enough.
im officially a week clean and theres no turning back now as far as im concerned !
gas prices are going crazy over here in new zealand too!
its shit !
take care