I'm house sitting for a "friend" of my girlfriend's, which entails taking care of his pit bull, Romeo, in exchange for free cable (free porn)...no problem there. Then he decides that it would be better for Romeo if we were to stay the night for the entire two weeks that he'll be in Paris. Fuck that, his place is a dump in the middle of crack land. So, today we go over to walk and feed the dog and his place wreaks! Sink full of dishes encrusted with food, cigarettes, and what looks like his tweak pipe. Plus no TV...none!
I have no TV at my place so this was the gem that lured me over there. It's a good thing the dog is sweet (aside from his constant red rocket
) or it would die of hunger!
Tomorrow I go to the pumkpkin patch to smoke out a good warty one

Tomorrow I go to the pumkpkin patch to smoke out a good warty one

Not sure. I usually plan it at the last minute.
yes im!!!!