Well, my mom is back from visiting her sister and mother.

Thankfully my grandma is doing well actually. She's much more lucid than last time. Apparently last time, it may have been medication-related. And she's getting better at adapting to living in a home and having attendent care. A couple years ago she was mortified by the idea that someone would help bathe her. Now...
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yeah i kept forgetting to ask her if i could post pics of her.

i know whatever you put out into the world is bound to be copied but it really doesn't take the edge off the anger and frustration when it's done to you. ya know?

i'm really excited about the new computer... the one i REALLY wanted was 10 grand...grin.
The opening was great. My old location was sort of run down. We re-located and it's in a great place and all shiney and new smile
I don't have too much that's deep and meaningful to say.

Last weekend, I went to a nearby fair with my mom.

Watched a demolition derby, and ate lots of junk - funnel cake, cotton candy, a scone dog, bologna and scone, and a plain scone. Scones are a traditional Native Canadian way to clog your arteries - they're big lumps of deep-fried dough. But...
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just dropping by to say hi again,
hope you are well
No pics of me because I was the one with the camera tongue
Enough of my whining.

At least for now.

I had a Saturday movie day with my mom.

Two or three times a year, I'll rent four DVD's for the two of us to watch.

Why four? Simple. The store has a rent three, get the fourth free deal.

Unfortunately, there are no Blockbuster or Rogers Video stores anywhere near here, so we make do with...
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Thank you for the well wishes...I would like to think I'm mature and intelligent - but I am an emotional retard and a developmentally dismayed when it comes to relationships...But - we are communicating and that is what everyone tells me is key....

I actually registered for classes today - uggh! So fucking expensive - if it weren't for student loans and continuing to work - I couldn't afford it. But - you are so intelligent - I can imagine you miss studying. Though it is so different going back as an adult...Professors want to go a bit deeper with adult students, but its not always possible sitting in a class of teen and twenty-somethings..Hey - I am cranky geezer - I can say that! Plus, as far as I'm concerned, everyone at school is 12! kiss I don't know much about the Canadian system, is it costly? How are they with aid? If you recieve any kind of disability support - do they extend educational benefits? (I can't remember if you receive benefits)...I don't know - I know the state system here as I have worked in the system since 98...(First at a community college, next at the State Planning and Policy Board, then on campus at a state college) - so I know more than I want to about how the public (and some privates) function here! Anyway, hope you are well - kiss
*poke* I haven't heard from you in a while...I hope everything is ok.
I haven't updated in just over two weeks and I can't really explain why.

For about a week now, I've been feeling somewhat depressed.

Not incredibly depressed, as I have many times in the past, but more depressed than I've felt in the last few months.

It's an empty depression. No real reason.

A bit of this, a bit of that, the sum of which...
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ah....I am nowhere near being anything you could call a compulsive cleaner. However, I do like having room to work so I try to keep my place neat enough to do stuff.

I much prefer grocery shopping in the middle of the night and living my odd hours because there are so many less distractions in general. The majority of the city is asleep, its wonderful.

yes, I really call some of my customers "honey" because it just works. Its relatively neutral, they respond to it, and I can yell it at either girls or guys to get them the hell out of my way when I'm carrying 5 plates of hot food.

no painting pictures yet.........soon, soon.

Sorry, i didn't respond! I've been so damn busy with getting ready for school to start and such.

I'm actually feeling a lot better now. I was pretty depressed for most of the week, but since it's changed to me just being busy, which sucks, but whatever. I'm not on any meds anymore and I haven't seen a psychologist in almost 3 years now. Which is for the best, i guess, because when I went, my doctor and I would pretty much just have staring contests for a half an hour or so.

I know what you mean about overthinking. I do that ALL the time. It doesn't help that I mess up the way I talk and such (I say things too fast or too slow or it comes out all grammatically weird or too loud and too soft... the only time i'm articulate is when I'm writing or online). I'm generally really quiet and take everything people say and do to heart. I'm really sensitive, unfortunately, and don't usually defend myself verbally (i'm not that quick-witted).

I also know what you mean about wallowing in one's depression. When I'm depressed, I don't want to feel better immediately. I just want to sit in it for a little while.

Hope you're feeling better!
Recently, someone here was asking me about schizophrenia.

They said they had heard it described as feeling like you were just waking from a dream, and wondered if that was how I'd describe it.

Describing schizophrenia has always been difficult for me. It's like trying to describe the colour blue.

I can describe symptoms, but it's hard to convey just how real they are.

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not scared...just empathetic...and I agree - we can petition to give you your own chapter in the DSM! ( wink )

But thank you for the homework help - I did bastardize some of your comments (which the Professor completely dug) and got an A- The professor and I don't like one another, we are mortal enemies, I am the cat, he is the rat....Missed you - hope you are okay as you haven't updated your journal since July.....I like your entries... kiss kiss
Thank you so much for the comment. it means alot that you left me a comment. you are such a sweetie.
I want to thank everyone for their positive response to my last entry. It was a stream of consciousness bit of writing, and I always worry whether things will make any sense.

As many of you pointed out, although I may not have accomplished the goals I used to have for myself, the fact that I've survived is a pretty big accomplishment itself. Thank you...
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I might just do that
i hope to work in Radio... but ive always had an interest in Biology as well.
Happy Birthday to Me

Today I turn 37. I'm really starting to feel old.

I feel like I'm running out of time.

I haven't accomplished anything. Not even close.

Twenty years ago I had everything planned.

By my early twenties, I'd have my degree in political science.

During my twenties I'd get married to someone wonderful and have a couple kids.

I'd get my law...
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Hey there,

I'm going to take your advice and just tell that girl I'm going to show up. What do I have to lose?? At the very least, I'm getting out and meeting people. I might just actually have a good time! I'll let you know how it goes (still waiting for the details.....she may flake and I would have gotten all jittery for nada!)
In my last entry, I listed 20 random things about myself. Although it took awhile to think of them, it was actually pretty fun once my mind got going. And feedback from people was nice as well.

One thing that people kept mentioning/asking about was the fact that although I used to be a decent, somewhat-trained photgrapher, I barely touch a camera anymore. People were...
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Usually I try and get a handset in the morning but the battery only lasts about an hour and all the chargers are fixed to the desk in the office. It really is quite annoying.
Stick out Your Tongue was recommended on National Public Radio (do you have that up there?), so i thought i'd give it a try. collection of short stories by a Chinese man about Tibet. you know it's a good sign when your native country bans any future books you may write after the publication of your first...
20 Random Things about Me

I was tagged by nina_kova with the task of listing 20 random things about myself. Is it weird that it took me awhile to figure out what to list? I'm rarely at a loss for words, but somehow it took a lot of thinking to come up with anything.

So, here goes:

1 - My hair started going grey when...
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so you are gonna make me think. i will post them as a comment in my blog cause i promised some people the pics would be posted till tomorrow. when i am posting more pics. so check back in like 45 mins and i will post 20 randoms about me.
hah, nah. her "friend" is a cutiewink
Happy Canada Day!!!!

Thankfully the rain this morning stopped, and the skies cleared for the modest little Canada Day parade here in town.

Then tonight, it's off to watch fireworks tonight.

Happy Canada Day!!!!
Ah, it's good to do a little day-brightening now and then, especially if it's possible by radiating something into the world as muddy, snotty and a little vile as my journal. wink
yeah, i guess one of these days i'm in ottawa during canada day that i should join in the festivities... i'm just not fond of rain or hot sweaty weather..wink

r's in greece

pantless men could quite possibly get me a stern talking to...too bad we're not in the porn industry...it wouldn't be such a big deal then.....although...it would lose its impact because most people would be like: eh, seen that beforewink
Ontario is looking at reforming its' electoral system. Or at least looking at whether it needs reforming.

As British Columbia did a couple years ago, Ontario has decided that rather then leaving reform in the hands of politicians, they would convene a citizens' assembly.

Randomly selected people would represent all the voters of the province and try to determine if there's a better way to...
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i'm beginning to think he does suck too. i'm wondering if i should get out while i'm still young enough to enjoy life on my own.

the therapist tried to get him to elaborate and he did a little, but then she just left it, i supose because it got a little heated and she may have felt uncomfortable. i don't know.

anyway, thankyou for being there for me.

take care.

thanks for the good luck. smile

yeah, i guess my butt isn't HUGE, and it has shrunk a lot from what it used to be... but i still have a jiggly butt, thankfully wink
I live in a fairly small community - 14,000. It's marketed as a retirement community, so there's a higher than average percentage of seniors. It's the kind of place that people leave when they finish high school, and IF they come back, it's to raise their own kids.

It's also quite isolated. It's a two hour drive to the nearest bigger place.

I've spent the...
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Here ya go, this is theonline version of the magazine. My article is the top one. smile
Thank you smile