school: i feel like i'm failing my classes. most people get anxiety mid-semester, mine all hits me toward the end. i feel like i'm on the midst of a nervous breakdown.
my scholarship depends on my grades, and my education depends on my scholarship, so the wicked machine that is higher education may by getting the better of me. i just hope i can keep it up these last few weeks.
hearts: things with the boy and i are surreal. so surreal i feel like i'm dreaming, or in some garden state-esque movie.
god i sound so fucking emo.... but hey, it's the truth. all i know is that for once, i got lucky, and i'm not going to let the oppurtunity for happiness pass me by.
life sucks: so i have to bring my beloved bailey the kittie to my moms house tomorrow because my apt. complex hates me. i am going to miss him so much...
i hope i don't cry. i hate crying.
there's no crying in baseball.
music: saw the boy's friends band robotmonkeyarm at stardust on friday. it was freakin' sweet, i was pleasantly surprised.
wednesday is mercury program at the social. after listening to a lot of their music, i really want to go. i hope i can afford it.
money sucks.
this show will rule. i love different types of music.
can't wait to see everyone at Gonzoe's going away bash. it is going to own.
my scholarship depends on my grades, and my education depends on my scholarship, so the wicked machine that is higher education may by getting the better of me. i just hope i can keep it up these last few weeks.
hearts: things with the boy and i are surreal. so surreal i feel like i'm dreaming, or in some garden state-esque movie.
god i sound so fucking emo.... but hey, it's the truth. all i know is that for once, i got lucky, and i'm not going to let the oppurtunity for happiness pass me by.
life sucks: so i have to bring my beloved bailey the kittie to my moms house tomorrow because my apt. complex hates me. i am going to miss him so much...
i hope i don't cry. i hate crying.
there's no crying in baseball.
music: saw the boy's friends band robotmonkeyarm at stardust on friday. it was freakin' sweet, i was pleasantly surprised.
wednesday is mercury program at the social. after listening to a lot of their music, i really want to go. i hope i can afford it.
money sucks.
this show will rule. i love different types of music.
can't wait to see everyone at Gonzoe's going away bash. it is going to own.
I really really miss you too doll. I am finally starting to feel better
I'm so happy that you and your boy are happy!!!! I can't wait to meet him. Hopefully we will see you guys on the 17th