So, two drunkards came over yesterday. They arrived at my house just before I got home from work. Then they proceeded to get more drunk than they already were. The guy passed out as he usually does when he comes over to hang out. The girl tried her hardest to get me to fuck her, but I find her repulsive, especially when she's drunk, so...
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dude, i just downloaded a bunch of Anal Cunt songs off the singer's website www.sethputnam.com. here are some titles i thought would like, "anyone who likes the dillenger escape plan is a faggot""i'm glad jazz faggots don't like us anymore""you converted to judaism so i guy would touch your dick" and who could forget "even though your culture oppresses women, you still suck, you fucking towelhead"
what up mother fucker. it's marty, under an alter personality. word up
I hate hippies! I hate hippies! I hate hippies! Yesterday, I went with some coworkers up to the Gaia Farm in Brevard, N.C. to learn about their facilities and products. After the whole thing was done, after we had just discussed the amount of carcinogens that the average American comes in contact with, this stupid hippy comes outside and lights a cigarette right next to...
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Fucking hippies. They are the ruiners of knowledge. Sorry the trip was shitty. holla.
Someone I work with returned my copy of La Femme Nikita (Besson) that I had let her borrow a month ago. She said she was very excited about watching it at first, but for some reason lost interest in watching movies...except Dirty Dancing. Dirty Dancing is her favorite movie. I guess there's no accounting for taste.
Dirty Dancing can suck it. word. so, i guess you read my journal. i got royaly screwed. i have almost no recourse in the matter. un-fucking-believable. i'll holla at you soon, i start work today, it would have been yesterday, but i had fun car stuff to deal with. hmm. suck-in it. suck-in it.
I made some oven roasted Vidalia onions yesterday. I also roasted some okra. It was damn good!