Saturday morning! It looks like a great day outside. punkrocksim is coming to my side of town tonight and we are going to tear up the town! Looking forward to relaxing. On another note, my mom is in love with a Swami from India. No shit. He is staying at my mom's house for an unknown period of time. He is a total asshole. He even managed to really piss off and embarass my little brother, who is super mild mannered. He's long since pissed me off to the point of no return, but I am a different story. I don't have such a long fuse when it comes to assholes taking advantage of people that I love. So, I think this is my longest journal entry ever. I want to really tell him how we feel about him, but am restraining myself because it would really hurt my mom's feelings. Any ideas on how to get to that subject without damaging my relationship with my mom? I'm welcome to any and all thoughts!
Did I leave my wooden spoon at your place.