well i surf, sail and rock climb regularly. gna get a surf teaching and life saving qualification after i finish uni (coz i dont wanna do business!). uhm ive wake board, skate,longboard(skate),rollerblade and i think thas it so far.... gna do more wen i go turkey in sept tho! will b awesome!
and as for my bathroom its new... just got it re-done bout half a yr ago and the shower/bathtub is huge! hehe xxx
i can not believe how well work is going. I guess when it rains it pours, i should be able to afford my new truck in another month or two i can't wait!
my birthday was awsome, i got so hammered by 9 in the morning, i had a great day. Except that chicks suck and i totally missed out on the birthday sex, maybe next year
i just did a photo shoot for an S.F. clothing company called gama-go. the pictures should be up on their website in a couple weeks, if you get a chance go check it out
and as for my bathroom its new... just got it re-done bout half a yr ago and the shower/bathtub is huge!