thank you @sunniesunshine ! i crashed out hard after our shoot. #sghopeful Aug 14, 2016 5 Facebook Tweet Email eyes52: BEAUTIFUL Aug 14, 2016
the biggest yet. #garden #zucchini #harvest #summer #hippiechick #punk #dreads #bluehair #pierced Jul 30, 2016 4 Facebook Tweet Email
tada! i'm going mermaid haha #mohawk #dreads #punk #alternative #hopefulsuicidegirl #sghopeful #pie Jul 20, 2016 6 Facebook Tweet Email
newest obsession. i've always admired the control and strength of people who could do stuff like th Jul 2, 2016 5 Facebook Tweet Email
also trimmed my #mohawk #sghopeful #hopefulsuicidegirl #tattooed #pierced #alternative #punkgirl #b Jul 1, 2016 5 Facebook Tweet Email
only an hour and a half till my set goes live :o i'm so tired and feel like crap, but i wish there May 15, 2016 11 Facebook Tweet Email rafa2014: Wow May 15, 2016
oh crap! 17 hours and 9 minutes till release! pinch me! aaaah! #sghopeful #hopefulsuicidegirl #tatt May 14, 2016 7 Facebook Tweet Email belga888: *---------* May 14, 2016 otome: I'll be waiting to give you love, pretty :) May 14, 2016 1
2 days and twelve hours! was up early but had a wee cat nap. literally, the cat allowed me to use h May 12, 2016 18 Facebook Tweet Email
spent my day barefoot and transplanting wee green things. playing with my goat and painting. got su May 11, 2016 16 Facebook Tweet Email robertbluesman: Hello Gorgeous! May 23, 2016
behind on the count down but let us begin! only five days and 13 hours till my set hits member revi May 9, 2016 16 Facebook Tweet Email
i had way too much fun playing in the bath and taking pictures yesterday. #rosepetals #lemombalm #l May 6, 2016 15 Facebook Tweet Email earth: Beautiful! Roses! May 15, 2016