Monday morning...mmm coffee.
Alright- I can face the world now.
So my roommate Kim and I decided on Saturday night to turn off the TV, forgo going out to party, and stay home and argue the night through- so that we could bring you:
The Monday Morning Rant:
Everything you thought you knew about drugs...
KNOW: (1) : to perceive directly : have direct cognition of (2) : to have understanding of (3) : to recognize the nature of : DISCERN
BELIEVE: (1) a : to have a firm religious faith b : to accept as true, genuine, or real (2) : to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something (3) : to hold an opinion : THINK
Why is it that the people who've done drugs usually believe that within limits they should be legal and the people who have never done them think they should be illegal? (Please forgive any and all gross generalizations for the sake of argument.)
Socrates in his argument with Gorgias is famous for making three rather astounding assertions: nothing really exists, even if something did it couldn't be known, and even if something existed and could be known, knowledge of it couldn't be imparted to others. Gorgias makes one himself, that the power of rhetoric was such that even the most absurd statements could be made to appear plausible.
The politician is therefore the most dangerous person because with rhetoric he can appear more knowledgeable about health than the doctor or skilled at construction than the carpenter to the ignorant public.
In the case of the War on Drugs- politicians who know little to nothing about drugs have managed to convince the ignorant masses that they should be illegal. Doctors actually sued the federal government to overturn the ruling making MDMA a Schedule 1 narcotic, proving that it had a medical use to treat post-traumatic stress syndrome. But politicians won out over the doctors. And the debate still rages over medical marijuana.
Perhaps some drugs should be illegal, but who would you rather have making those choices? Those who know or those who believe... Can someone make an informed decision if someone else is controlling the flow of information to them? What does all this say about the public?
SELF-RIGHTEOUS : convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others : narrow-mindedly moralistic really only believe.
Alright- I can face the world now.
So my roommate Kim and I decided on Saturday night to turn off the TV, forgo going out to party, and stay home and argue the night through- so that we could bring you:
The Monday Morning Rant:
Everything you thought you knew about drugs...
KNOW: (1) : to perceive directly : have direct cognition of (2) : to have understanding of (3) : to recognize the nature of : DISCERN
BELIEVE: (1) a : to have a firm religious faith b : to accept as true, genuine, or real (2) : to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something (3) : to hold an opinion : THINK
Why is it that the people who've done drugs usually believe that within limits they should be legal and the people who have never done them think they should be illegal? (Please forgive any and all gross generalizations for the sake of argument.)
Socrates in his argument with Gorgias is famous for making three rather astounding assertions: nothing really exists, even if something did it couldn't be known, and even if something existed and could be known, knowledge of it couldn't be imparted to others. Gorgias makes one himself, that the power of rhetoric was such that even the most absurd statements could be made to appear plausible.
The politician is therefore the most dangerous person because with rhetoric he can appear more knowledgeable about health than the doctor or skilled at construction than the carpenter to the ignorant public.
In the case of the War on Drugs- politicians who know little to nothing about drugs have managed to convince the ignorant masses that they should be illegal. Doctors actually sued the federal government to overturn the ruling making MDMA a Schedule 1 narcotic, proving that it had a medical use to treat post-traumatic stress syndrome. But politicians won out over the doctors. And the debate still rages over medical marijuana.
Perhaps some drugs should be illegal, but who would you rather have making those choices? Those who know or those who believe... Can someone make an informed decision if someone else is controlling the flow of information to them? What does all this say about the public?
SELF-RIGHTEOUS : convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others : narrow-mindedly moralistic really only believe.
i can hardly believe that came out of a boy!!!
sorry... i'm just not big on politics or arguing. i never feel informed enough, and i just don't see the point. thanks for not yellin.
(edited because i'm a bitch
[Edited on May 12, 2003]
many, many kisses and thanks !! you are the best!!
[Edited on May 13, 2003]