I wonder if it is possible for the arcane and often esoteric legal system of this country to become more palatable to our fellow countrymen (yes, I know, failing to use such words as 'countrymen', 'esoteric' and 'arcane' might help). Currently, the Devil's 5 (if you read this anywhere else in print, know that I coined it!)-Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, Alito, and Kennedy-have been repeatedly ass-raping the American people for the last year and a half. A woman is no longer allowed to sue for sex discrimination because she didn't know that everyone else was making more money than her at the time. Also, the Devil's 5 have seriously curtailed whistle-blower's protection against retaliation in discrimination cases. To give you an idea of how evil this decision very well may be (SCOTUS heard the case last Wednesday, but this is another partisan line vote almost certainly)...
... sit down ...
... no, really, you should sit....
....Mr. W Bush (I cannot speak his elected title without retching)...
...are you sitting?...
...supports the black guy....
Right winger extraordinaire W supports protection for whistle blowers against retaliatory discrimination. I'm speechless...
... sit down ...
... no, really, you should sit....
....Mr. W Bush (I cannot speak his elected title without retching)...
...are you sitting?...
...supports the black guy....
Right winger extraordinaire W supports protection for whistle blowers against retaliatory discrimination. I'm speechless...

http://www.digphilly.com/photos/main.php?cmd=album&var1=2_15_08_Raven%2F&var3=24 should have a good picture of us on it.