wow has it been 5 days..I don't think theres much to new...worked overtime on my nose pirced for free (thanx george) I'm friends of the owner of highpreastis... highly populare perising shop....puls got a much need hair cut (my first mohawk, pics coming soon) and...oh I went to a friends house to see about trading my carolla stright acrossed for his van. this thing is such a wet dream for me...if you've seen the show daria and seen trents van "the tank" then you'd understand. I'm so going to replacate it...its raddle can black with tons of metal stickers and has a grill light bar...I'm going to spray paint "THE TANK" acrossed the back sides...its going to be so sweet. and the inside is so big he can fit his fotan and hid quad in the back no problem. I love it and want it...I'll have to post picks of the van and rolla and see if you think I should trade.
"The Tank"=awesome idea.