I start school tomorrow.....never been to college before.....this WILL be interesting....just not sure if the good or bad kind.....
this site is bothering me lately......I just don't see the need for it....I've nobody to talk to and nothing interesting to say....I never really have anything interesting to say

wow I guess I'm a very plain and boring....anyway I'm down to only signing on to this site about once ever 2-3 weeks
lol. Yeah,I haven't been on since November. Just reactivated my account after Xmas. Hopefully things will pick up. 2010 looks like it might be interesting.
just got a netbook today.....its a lot of fun so far....
Sweet!!!! Thanks fot the compliment darlin!!!! <3
i'll sell
my soul
my self esteem
a dollar at a time

for one chance
one kiss
one taste of you my magdalena
super bummed out and lonely....my girlfriend and I are in an open relationship and shes have a ton of fun and really spending more time with some guy then with me....(which is kinda ok hes new and shes excited I understand that) but here I am by my self an lonely....girls don't seem to give me the time of day anymore and I feel like...
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I'll be fine...sex just isn't the same to me as is to others....humans (despite what people try and tell you) aren't meant to mate for life....we just do....
thank for the comment on my album. i see you live in eugene. =]
always nice to meet a new oregonian. im in roseburg
Cool. smile
hahaha! epic!
yesterday was a very long and very good day....woke up and adopted a welsh corgi, drove up to the drag strip and watched some friends run (couldn't afford or fit time to run my car) , walked through the loyd center too then up to vancover for pearl jam....I don't usualy have such a fun/eventful day...
hi!!!!! how are you doing? anybetter i hope than when i last spoke to you. xxxx
look like we're not moving.....it was getting to hard and stressful trying to find a place on owe budget....I guess we'll just live with the 18 year old pregnet roommate and soon baby.....it isn't ideal I think we can handle it....we can already afford this place and it has everything we need.....the worlds worst roommate will be moving out be soon so the stress isn't...
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i add you because you are funny person....i really love your hair!!
drove almost 1000 miles today....5 and a half hours by my self to tri-citys so see slipknot....when I get there I find out the show was canceled....so WTF just go back home?? ANOTHER 5 A HALF HOURS!!!!??? for nothing....oh and I was so pissed I went ...over an hour and a half the wrong way had to go back an hour and a half then...
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you have found the absolute perfect picture to sum up your day.... sorry to hear the show was canceled. that happened to me once... but only a 3 hour drive each way to see Stereo Lab.
Hey, I was just searching for members in Oregon and realized we were close. Thought I would introduce myself smile