ok so....where do start....I went to get some new holes today..I ended up getting 5 when I had planned on getting 3...I now have my nose (a second 16g hoop side by side) a 14 in my lip (hoop center) a 10g in right earlob, and I wasn't planning on it but I got my nipples....ya I know I'm not really one for getting stuff like that but the pircer made me...and if you knew him you'd understand...it was fun though...and I have kinda been doing better only to get slammed in the face.....its finally happened....I have crossed the point of no return....I am so un freaking happy and tried of doing it...so you know what.....I'm not going to do it anymore...I'm done and thats that....I'll find something better to do with my life then what I'm stick in right now....I've been told/seen that my addatude, atire, and body mods are frending off most every female in the area...well guess what...I don't give a fuck...I'm doomed to be alone...I'm doomed to be in pain....and I'm doomed to live and theres nothing can do about it so fuck it....I'm off to do my own thing and shoot me in the face if I ever open up again...
type o negative - I don't wanna be me
type o negative - I don't wanna be me