I know another update already....well I don't have anything left to do with my self.....everyday feels like I just wake up and have to live untell I go to bed...nothing to do no point nothing to live for and just plan empty....I don't think I've ever felt this invisable and hollow....depressions so bad I'm getting really sick....I honistly think I'm losing my mind....some weird shit has been happening that I can't realy explain....WHAT DO I DO?? WHAT AM I GOING TO DO??? I have lost everything I feel hated and dead inside but alive enough to suffer...all I can do is breathe and suffer....I have no hope for the future and I see no ending in sight.....I have no option then to be alone for a very very long time....
I also started on a custom hood for my camaro, but it has been parked for a while since that whole running my own company thing has been sort of standing in the way...