So I live in the tederloin district of Frisco. My car gets broken into about 3-4 nights a week. Even though I now leave the doors unlocked. Its a Jeep with a soft top. So instead of just opening the door they slice the plactic or rip the zippers. Every time I replace a piece they rip it. I wish they would just try the doors. They broke in last night and yes ripped it once again. Which makes it worse because it rained last night. So I had to pull the drain plugs inside and wait for the water to drain out. I love Frisco but Im tired of walking around human shit and hypadermic neadles. I could move to another distric but then I would be soo fuckin bored. Maybe I should get rid of my jeep and just take the bus everywhere. But if I do that I wont be able to leave the city when I get sick of it like this. Just stuck between a rock and hard place Hmmm. On a lighter note I got a new dirt bike this weekend and rode it all weekend its the best. My friend took a pic of me sleepping on it I will have to pass it on when I get it. Hope yoou all had a good weekend and happy Monday

Oh, you should read the books sometime... and I love the movies, I really do. Tell me what you think of them later on...
Hi, just saw your friend request, and before I hit the approve button-- just wondering why you'd like to be my friend, have I talked with you recently? Not that it matters really, just wondering
Sorry about all the shit you have to put up with, that would drive me nuts (not that I'm half way there anyway)
Have a nice day