i've given up the DRUNKS group and the people with disabilities group. this is my last friday in FNLHC, then Riz will take over the group. it's finally sinking in. i'm really leaving SG. part of me doesn't want to go but i know it's time. i've made some amazing friends in the last four years. most of whom i expect to take with me, if not in my address book and contact lists...definitely in my heart.
this place has been amazing for me. even life changing. i can honestly say that i would be a different person today if i had never joined SG. i've been drunk with alot of you. some on the boards or on the phone, but a few in real life too. i've had long heartfelt conversations with some of you. i've cried with a few of you. and i even fell in love here. and perhaps most importantly, i have laughed my ass off with pretty much every single one of you. this place is full of the funniest goddamn people in the universe. i wouldn't trade any of these experiences for anything.
i'll be seeing most of you in other corners of the internet. i'll be keeping in touch with alot of you by phone and email. (by the way, mine is obsolete_vernacular@hotmail.com) and i'll be seeing a few of you in real life.
it's been a blast.
i love you.

you didn't think i'd leave on a sad note did you? pssssh. and without one last youtube video. never!!

*waits for a snarky comment from toothpickmoe*
Goodbye and good luck out there.