do the non-linear thing in conversation too: as I talk I'm sparking off all sorts of associations and tangents and following them to see where they lead, so that I stumble on what I'm saying and sometimes trail off completely as I lose whatever my original thread was.
The odd part is that my friends all talk about what a ferociously linear conversationalist I am, because I overcompensate for all the thought scattering that was going on by running my actual conversational track along rails. It's not unusual for me to finish a bit of conversation by saying "okay, but to finish the train of thought from before that point, X. And to finish the thought that I was in the middle of when I started talking about X, Y. And to finish the anecdote I was talking about when we got onto Y, Z. Okay, your turn."
I'm terrible. I need a card filled with prompts to get through a fucking paragraph without ending up in Tokyo. I have to rely on whomever I'm talking with to prompt me when my sentances fall appart. I aspirem to be a linear conversationalist, but I'd need visual aids too keep it up for any length of time.
Some people would look at this and realise they need to talk just a tad slower, so they can fit their thoughts around their words. Those people are quitters.
do the non-linear thing in conversation too: as I talk I'm sparking off all sorts of associations and tangents and following them to see where they lead, so that I stumble on what I'm saying and sometimes trail off completely as I lose whatever my original thread was.
The odd part is that my friends all talk about what a ferociously linear conversationalist I am, because I overcompensate for all the thought scattering that was going on by running my actual conversational track along rails. It's not unusual for me to finish a bit of conversation by saying "okay, but to finish the train of thought from before that point, X. And to finish the thought that I was in the middle of when I started talking about X, Y. And to finish the anecdote I was talking about when we got onto Y, Z. Okay, your turn."
I'm terrible. I need a card filled with prompts to get through a fucking paragraph without ending up in Tokyo. I have to rely on whomever I'm talking with to prompt me when my sentances fall appart. I aspirem to be a linear conversationalist, but I'd need visual aids too keep it up for any length of time.
Some people would look at this and realise they need to talk just a tad slower, so they can fit their thoughts around their words. Those people are quitters.