well unsurprisingly i didn't win the lottery. i did get one number and the bonus though. hrm...
numbers for the next two draws however are:
01 02 05 14 45 49
(as you had to buy a minimum 5 credit so i figured i might as well use it up a bit)
in other news i am ill. i'm guessing it was either the 6VKs i bought in bar: me on tuesday night or the chilli that i bought in wetherspoons, my bets are on the latter however as although VKs are disgusting they don't usually make me ill, this means i've basicaslly had to spend the last two days either in bed watching TV and playing PS2 or on the toilet. yay!
tuesday night was good however, we were going to to go the registry but they had football on so decided to go to wethers for some food and cheap drinks after that we were going to go to walkabout but then remembered that it's shit and plumped for bar: me as it was quiet enough to talk in there and the drinks weren't that extortionate. left in time to get the last uni bus back and decided we needed to watch monty python (quest for the holy grail) as a friend had never seen it. ended up sitting up talking with kev and kaz until about 4 and with andrew until 8 in the morning. (there was also tequila, oops). it was just really nice, i've never really had friends i could do that with before and who would actually bother listening to me and i'd listen to them and stuff.
anyhow. best go get the washing out the communal machines before some 'kind soul' does it for me.
laters x

numbers for the next two draws however are:
01 02 05 14 45 49
(as you had to buy a minimum 5 credit so i figured i might as well use it up a bit)
in other news i am ill. i'm guessing it was either the 6VKs i bought in bar: me on tuesday night or the chilli that i bought in wetherspoons, my bets are on the latter however as although VKs are disgusting they don't usually make me ill, this means i've basicaslly had to spend the last two days either in bed watching TV and playing PS2 or on the toilet. yay!
tuesday night was good however, we were going to to go the registry but they had football on so decided to go to wethers for some food and cheap drinks after that we were going to go to walkabout but then remembered that it's shit and plumped for bar: me as it was quiet enough to talk in there and the drinks weren't that extortionate. left in time to get the last uni bus back and decided we needed to watch monty python (quest for the holy grail) as a friend had never seen it. ended up sitting up talking with kev and kaz until about 4 and with andrew until 8 in the morning. (there was also tequila, oops). it was just really nice, i've never really had friends i could do that with before and who would actually bother listening to me and i'd listen to them and stuff.
anyhow. best go get the washing out the communal machines before some 'kind soul' does it for me.
laters x
yup....too much fun.......trust me, i've got the bruises to prove it.

Oh. I was hoping you would win the lottery. Now I have all my money problems back again...*sigh*