well my birthday has come and gone, a few birthday wishes. Thank You. A few presents, pajama pants to last me another year. A good meal. And great company.
I'm sure I will get to go to my birthday meal at Outback sometime this month. If not, I will get my bloomin' onion sometime. Sweet deep fried heaven.
The only thing keeping me half sane is my Xbox 360. It is something I can come home and relax too. A soothing game of UNO, a few intense/super fun races of Project Gotham Racing 3, or a hit or miss game of Halo 2 (Hit if Team Awesome assembles)
I get to work Thursday night audit. Shouldn't be too bad. Then I get to go to a rehearsal dinner Friday (no idea why i am going, i am not in the wedding party, nor do i really know the bride or groom all that well) Then I have to go to the wedding Saturday. Then a wonderful Sunday morning at work. (My first morning I will have to work, and my last.) I will get to check out all the rooms (a ton) that will be leaving from Saturday night.
I swear, if my manager schedules me for crazy hours again.... I put my notice in that I will only work Night Audit. Which is going to be great, because I will finally have a consistant schedule, just hope that I am scheduled the way I was hired to work. Off 3, Work 4 one week, Off 4, Work 3 the next week and so on. That would be heavenly. Time off to relax, and not having to spend a day off preparing for some weird shifts the next day or so.
I'm sure I will get to go to my birthday meal at Outback sometime this month. If not, I will get my bloomin' onion sometime. Sweet deep fried heaven.
The only thing keeping me half sane is my Xbox 360. It is something I can come home and relax too. A soothing game of UNO, a few intense/super fun races of Project Gotham Racing 3, or a hit or miss game of Halo 2 (Hit if Team Awesome assembles)
I get to work Thursday night audit. Shouldn't be too bad. Then I get to go to a rehearsal dinner Friday (no idea why i am going, i am not in the wedding party, nor do i really know the bride or groom all that well) Then I have to go to the wedding Saturday. Then a wonderful Sunday morning at work. (My first morning I will have to work, and my last.) I will get to check out all the rooms (a ton) that will be leaving from Saturday night.

I swear, if my manager schedules me for crazy hours again.... I put my notice in that I will only work Night Audit. Which is going to be great, because I will finally have a consistant schedule, just hope that I am scheduled the way I was hired to work. Off 3, Work 4 one week, Off 4, Work 3 the next week and so on. That would be heavenly. Time off to relax, and not having to spend a day off preparing for some weird shifts the next day or so.
Why am I here? You have a pic of a camrea for sale. donavan_blue@yahoo.com is where I check my mail the most if you would tell me how much you want for it. My children are going to their grandparents in a few weeks this summer & will be visiting the grandcanyon, so I am wanting to get her a cam , because ods are they wont be going back.
Thank you