I guess it's been over two weeks since I've updated on here. I've basically been living with Misty, who is beautiful and makes me so happy
It's weird to be so out of the SG loop, and to not really know what to say in my journal. I haven't read journals or checked on groups for weeks. If I continue spending this little time online, I probably won't renew my membership.
I am very excited about next week! First, we can move into our new apartment starting Monday. That might be kinda crappy, especially since we need to pack this weekend. But once we're in it'll be nice.
More exciting though, is the fact that Misty and I are going to San Antonio! Her family is there, and from the one time I met them I think they're pretty cool. We plan to go to SeaWorld one day, and go drinking on the riverwalk with her mom and sister too. I'm really excited, I can't wait!!
Not much else to say right now, except life is good. Hope it's the same for everyone else

It's weird to be so out of the SG loop, and to not really know what to say in my journal. I haven't read journals or checked on groups for weeks. If I continue spending this little time online, I probably won't renew my membership.
I am very excited about next week! First, we can move into our new apartment starting Monday. That might be kinda crappy, especially since we need to pack this weekend. But once we're in it'll be nice.
More exciting though, is the fact that Misty and I are going to San Antonio! Her family is there, and from the one time I met them I think they're pretty cool. We plan to go to SeaWorld one day, and go drinking on the riverwalk with her mom and sister too. I'm really excited, I can't wait!!
Not much else to say right now, except life is good. Hope it's the same for everyone else

One thing to keep in mind is that we don't know what kind of applications they get over at SGHQ. I know that staff has repeatedly said that they would like to add more diversity, especially racial diversity, to SG, but that they don't get that many applications from a more diverse group. Or, if they do, they get applications from girls who might be perfect for the site, except they have terrible photo quality, a bad attitude, or something else. I'm sure that happens with all kinds of applications. So maybe SG would really like to expand in that way but just can't get enough applications from other "types" of girls?