hello friend ... it's true, i do love sidney portier... i had an epiphany about my attraction to the absurd and esp. kafka's heros and i was thinking about people who had beat the evil and absurd beast of the system...ghandi, jesus, mlk, mandela, and i was thinking about paul robeson and how great a man he was and then when i got home there was s documentary about portier and i had no idea about his life and how dreamlike and powerful it was...did you know the self rule of the bahamas (where he was born) by the local population was brought about indirectly by portier's first controversial film? it was banned by the colonial british g'ment but the people were so massively angered that they formed a political party (their first) and demanded the film be shown, and from there managed to take control of the g'ment. it was a very good night for realizing things. pleased to make your acquaintance. peace.
Hey, I know Anya from way back. How is she doing? I take it from your post, she's still playing. Tell her, Poser says, "Hi!"
[Edited on Feb 14, 2003]