snipped from digital downlow:
"Why is it so hard to find a soulmate?" asks psychologist Carolyn Godschild Miller in her book Soulmates: Following Inner Guidance to the Relationship of Your Dreams.
Her answer: "Because most of us are actually searching for egomates instead. We place the most limited and unloving aspect of our minds in charge of our search for love, and then wonder why we aren't succeeding. . . To the degree that we identify with this false sense of self, and operate on the basis of its limited point of view, we aren't looking for someone to love so much as recruiting fellow actors to take on supporting roles in a favorite melodrama."
I suggest you make this a core meditation for the next seven weeks, Aquarius. After that, you'll be primed to move on to the next question, which is "What can I do to enjoy life with a soulmate?"
i know, silly astrology and all, but it rang true...."
here's Ninji's take:
i wish the term "soulmate" didn't exist. 'cause now it's all commercial and sh--and -- welp, i'm over it. i think we are all soulmates. and lifemates. it's just about our choice--to what degree we move, shift, create, recreate with one another.
i would love to find one sweet little fish to swim with. but i'm a solitary creature. i can swim in the pool and chill with the rest of the gang.
food for thought for sure.
It just seems an easy excuse to avoid looking at people as complex and not easily thrown into lovely social boxen. Grr.
[Edited on Feb 05, 2003]
thanks for playin' the home game, guys! on to new entries.