Not a whole lot to say, so here is a story.
Some guy had been stopping on his bike and picking cherries from our tree (which hangs over the sidewalk). One day I went out and talked to him. He wasn't apologetic or anything, but he said that the cherries had worms and that worms were good. I told him to help himself to the...
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Some guy had been stopping on his bike and picking cherries from our tree (which hangs over the sidewalk). One day I went out and talked to him. He wasn't apologetic or anything, but he said that the cherries had worms and that worms were good. I told him to help himself to the...
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I'm too high to read your story but I wish something exciting was going on in your life, haha, and you are very very cute and artsy...Jump on board of the website I'm starting. Contact me if you're interested.
dude, you lost five pounds.
Okay, I am not dead.
Or even close.
I just have been to busy/lazy/poor to hop the bus to the school computers. We don't have internet at the house yet because squirrels ate through the cable to our house...just our house. So we can't get cable or cable internet until they fix it, which could take up to four weeks.
I apologize if any of...
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Or even close.
I just have been to busy/lazy/poor to hop the bus to the school computers. We don't have internet at the house yet because squirrels ate through the cable to our house...just our house. So we can't get cable or cable internet until they fix it, which could take up to four weeks.
I apologize if any of...
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Welcome Back My Fearless Friend! Hey, thanks for the pics, I really appreciate that. When are you coming out to Montana. I just spent the last few hours with Joel. Ah, memories.
YAY! you're back! i was afraid you'd disappeared and were going to let your account run out- thus depriving me of my fellow chain-smoking, no-car-having, art-makin' babe. (which by the way, you are indeed babe-o-licious with or without the specs- i think they're kinda cute- but 5 dollar sunglasses is the reason i got contacts!)
send me one o' them brocures and i'll send you... er. a print and a mix c.d.?
ciao bellisima!
xoxoxo, -Hyena
edited to say- you were in my dream! you gave me a brochure! it was red!
[Edited on Jun 28, 2003]
send me one o' them brocures and i'll send you... er. a print and a mix c.d.?
ciao bellisima!
xoxoxo, -Hyena
edited to say- you were in my dream! you gave me a brochure! it was red!
[Edited on Jun 28, 2003]
Dude...y'all are never gonna believe this, but I got the highest score the first round of paitball madness last Sunday.
First we hear who won (my team, both times, GREEN TEAM RULES!) then when they say my name after the highest score, everyone looks around.
"Ninjagrrl? Who? What, this lil' thing?"
It was neat. Of course the second round (30 freakin mad minutes of laser...
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First we hear who won (my team, both times, GREEN TEAM RULES!) then when they say my name after the highest score, everyone looks around.
"Ninjagrrl? Who? What, this lil' thing?"
It was neat. Of course the second round (30 freakin mad minutes of laser...
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Dude, so much has happened since I've last heard from you. How's it been going? Let me know. I have some stories.

So I am all moved into MY HOUSE! No phone yet (I called them), finally trasnfered the gas and electric to be billed to us, no garbage yet (one of the 'mates has yet to call them and the trash is piling up).
No computer yet, but because my ol'man is rock, there will be cable-modem action soon. Thank God the campus lets me use...
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No computer yet, but because my ol'man is rock, there will be cable-modem action soon. Thank God the campus lets me use...
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hoorah for taking (abusive?) advantage of university facilities!
yeah, i might disappear for a bit when i move to the new place (my lair, as it were- it is rather cavish, and red.) don't know when i'll have a phone. grrr.
i kind of wish i had roommates. i could have a bigger pad. and pay less. but most folk don't appreciate my love of filth, hatred for t.v. and tendancies towards violence, alcoholism and innapropriate nudity.
hmmm. meh. who needs 'em.
*runs off to draw... cartoons!*
xoxo, Hyena.
yeah, i might disappear for a bit when i move to the new place (my lair, as it were- it is rather cavish, and red.) don't know when i'll have a phone. grrr.
i kind of wish i had roommates. i could have a bigger pad. and pay less. but most folk don't appreciate my love of filth, hatred for t.v. and tendancies towards violence, alcoholism and innapropriate nudity.
hmmm. meh. who needs 'em.
*runs off to draw... cartoons!*
xoxo, Hyena.
you are a lazer tag rockstar...!
from the girl in the trucker hat.
from the girl in the trucker hat.
Ah yes, it is a Monday.
I woke up this morning at 8:00am after staying up until 3:00pm (I am a smart one). I rushed over to the art buildings, on the other side of campus, to put some things I typed for a professor (I am sort of his secretary) on his door. The building was locked and I had my last exam at...
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I woke up this morning at 8:00am after staying up until 3:00pm (I am a smart one). I rushed over to the art buildings, on the other side of campus, to put some things I typed for a professor (I am sort of his secretary) on his door. The building was locked and I had my last exam at...
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five hours is just about enough nap for that level of stress. how did your final go? are you all done now? i hope all the schedueling BS didn't throw you off your game. what the f am I saying? you are the ninjagirl!
anyway, i hope all is well. take it light,
anyway, i hope all is well. take it light,
as much as that sucks, you got stuff done with time to sleep and be ready for the final the right day, no?
-art students make me miss art school. waah.
-art students make me miss art school. waah.
This is great, just great.
I am missing a kegger at my own freaking house.
As I am still techinically in the dorms, since I work on campus and still have an exam left and general moving stuff to do, I am absent from the party going on in my house at this very moment. The housemates who are done with exams or have given...
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I am missing a kegger at my own freaking house.
As I am still techinically in the dorms, since I work on campus and still have an exam left and general moving stuff to do, I am absent from the party going on in my house at this very moment. The housemates who are done with exams or have given...
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Drag missing your kegger - like your friends couldn't have held out another week or so! they all owe you a night out.
we had that birthday party last night. it didn't go as well as I would have liked - it was drizling and nobody wanted to park and walk, so when my boy got home there were twenty cars parked around his driveway. kind of a giveaway, hmmmm?
it was a great time though. I drank shots of jager with somebody's mom! now that's a night out.
cool you had fun with your bubble bath pics. I can't do bubbles - im the rare guy who is very prone to UTI.
take it light,
we had that birthday party last night. it didn't go as well as I would have liked - it was drizling and nobody wanted to park and walk, so when my boy got home there were twenty cars parked around his driveway. kind of a giveaway, hmmmm?
it was a great time though. I drank shots of jager with somebody's mom! now that's a night out.
cool you had fun with your bubble bath pics. I can't do bubbles - im the rare guy who is very prone to UTI.
take it light,
sorry you missed the party at your own house... that is rough.. i hope the move is going well... my move was rough and i am still getting over it and it has been almost a week... but i just move across town in about a week instead of across country..
i was signing your journal while you signed mine.... so i am editing to say i got the encyclopedia in a comic shop it is awesome... i am just getting in x-treme x-men and the book gives you a complete background on each character... you could probley get it at a barnes and noble or borders it is put out by marbel
[Edited on May 19, 2003]
i was signing your journal while you signed mine.... so i am editing to say i got the encyclopedia in a comic shop it is awesome... i am just getting in x-treme x-men and the book gives you a complete background on each character... you could probley get it at a barnes and noble or borders it is put out by marbel
[Edited on May 19, 2003]
Well, now, I will write a long joural entry later, because I have to work and study for exams, but first I will put up pictures again.
At least they will be more organized.
Question: How is a raven like a writing desk?
kisses and snuggles,
At least they will be more organized.
Question: How is a raven like a writing desk?
kisses and snuggles,
"Because it can produce a few notes, tho they are very flat; and it is nevar put with the wrong end in front!", Lewis Carroll
how you feelin, ninja?
i hope your exams go well. every once in a while I really miss school, but Im probably never going back.
take it light,
i hope your exams go well. every once in a while I really miss school, but Im probably never going back.
take it light,
So, yay, my account is worked out and I didn't miss a day...
Today I bought a pencil case and print club stickers, visited a friend in Portland, got a MAX citation for being an idiot and had pictures taken of me in bubble bath.
Purely for my friend's assignment, of course.
I took pictures of her too, when she was done with me.
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Today I bought a pencil case and print club stickers, visited a friend in Portland, got a MAX citation for being an idiot and had pictures taken of me in bubble bath.
Purely for my friend's assignment, of course.
I took pictures of her too, when she was done with me.
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even though ya werent ever gone, welcome back darlin.
you cant leave. whod read my journal then?
you cant leave. whod read my journal then?
yay! you're back!
funny how you're on food stamps and paying for porn... fuckin' rockin!
funny how you're on food stamps and paying for porn... fuckin' rockin!

Well, this is my last journal entry before my thing goes dead. I will be back in mere days, but until then, I leave you with this: MASH
Do you remember this game? Here is what I got, the second time I played:
You will live in Apartment.
You will drive a silver VW Fastback.
You will marry Elara and have 0 kids.
You will...
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Do you remember this game? Here is what I got, the second time I played:
You will live in Apartment.
You will drive a silver VW Fastback.
You will marry Elara and have 0 kids.
You will...
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ah yes, jim flory... he was not my biggest fan, i think, though i enjoyed his teaching... i ignored his assignments most of the time, but my composition skills improved by orders of magnitude. i believe zoe greenberg was darkroom dictator when i was most involved there; she and i were in the same hall in clark my freshman year.
funny thing about that school, nobody's ever heard of it, yet somehow pacific folks are always bumping into one another.
i was in "the heidi chronicles" directed by alexis qualls, as well as some one-acts i've forgotten and a few student films. in fact, i starred in the film of the first person awarded a film degree from pacific! (yes, bragging, i know) i'd have done more, but illness and theatre-people drama (hyarr hyarr) forced me into a permanent exile from that department.
how are you enjoying the grove and all its delights?
funny thing about that school, nobody's ever heard of it, yet somehow pacific folks are always bumping into one another.
i was in "the heidi chronicles" directed by alexis qualls, as well as some one-acts i've forgotten and a few student films. in fact, i starred in the film of the first person awarded a film degree from pacific! (yes, bragging, i know) i'd have done more, but illness and theatre-people drama (hyarr hyarr) forced me into a permanent exile from that department.
how are you enjoying the grove and all its delights?
i'm going to rent Scarface from you in Japan and run up a henious late fee. then your team of video ninjas will have to come beat the three-fifty out of me
see you when you get back
see you when you get back
Bleh, Monday.
I had the weirdest dream. I would attempt to explain it, but without hand motions to help me along, y'all would just think I was crazy.
Last night four of us drove to Win-Co (24 hour Savings) and bought two packages of Tollhouse Cookie dough (with carmel and fudge centers), two Jarritos (in Limon) and a bag of gemelli pasta (to be eaten...
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I had the weirdest dream. I would attempt to explain it, but without hand motions to help me along, y'all would just think I was crazy.
Last night four of us drove to Win-Co (24 hour Savings) and bought two packages of Tollhouse Cookie dough (with carmel and fudge centers), two Jarritos (in Limon) and a bag of gemelli pasta (to be eaten...
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so...did you like the bits and pisces joke?
no one's ever mentioned it...
no one's ever mentioned it...
i constantly think about moving out to Portland. I used to live in Seattle and I was ever so happy on the west coast . . . portland was the coolest, though.
Just saw a girl who I always remember and never write, Delilah Banks.
Brought up SG in the conversation and she said she was a member too (I didn't know). So we traded our names on here and will FINALLY keep in touch.
Hey, you stone cold fox, thanks for rekindling the crush.
I feel like dancing.
edited to tell y'all that I...
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Brought up SG in the conversation and she said she was a member too (I didn't know). So we traded our names on here and will FINALLY keep in touch.
Hey, you stone cold fox, thanks for rekindling the crush.
I feel like dancing.
edited to tell y'all that I...
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i LOVE the new profile pic... you remind me of me. too bad you've got a man.
couldn't look at your pics on this computer- it has the bittersweet "pop-up buster" feature. *sigh* but i look forward to seeing your art!
xoxo- hyena.

couldn't look at your pics on this computer- it has the bittersweet "pop-up buster" feature. *sigh* but i look forward to seeing your art!
xoxo- hyena.
i LOVE the new pic. forgive me for saying so, but i think you look cute in it