Punisher the Platoon

Is simply the best comic I’ve read in a while, Garth Ennis returning to this fan favorite character is something I’ve hoped for years. In addition to Ennis returning to this character he has reunited with Goran Parlov, instantly sparking that memory from their days on the Punisher MAX series. This first ish of a six shot series is definitely worth making...
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Each issue in this series seems better than the last, definitely worth the trip to your local comic book shop. If it’s still in stock.

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In the second installment of this five part series we see Deadpool continue his murder spree. With the Punisher, Misty Knight, Cable, Kate Bishop, Jessica Jones and the Moon Knight in a team up on the heels of Deadpool how long can he keep this murder spree going? The only one on the team I really follow is Punisher, and that man gets who he...
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I was lucky enough to swipe this this comic at it's first issue debut price of $1.00, and this is quite possibly one of the best comics I've ever picked up. Think 1930's Americana crime noire with a touch of demons and you'll start to get a minimum of the concept with out spoiling the story. The main character in this epic is a man
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Great!!! 😘

Join us at Comic Town on Saturday August 26th to celebrate the grand opening of our new location at 94 Dillmont Drive! Take advantage of discounts on comics, games AND meet AfterShock Comics creators Paul Jenkins and Joe Pruett! Paul and Joe will be with us from 11 AM till 3 PM on the 26th for meeting, greeting and signing but the specials will be...
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I would like to take a moment and attempt to put some love out into the universe by saying you are loved and worth fighting for. Deadpool is one of my favorite characters because in so many ways he royally fucks up, but he is always is himself whether people love him or hate him.

One Love.

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May 6, 2017 is free comic book day be sure to visit your local comic shop to score some sweet books. http://www.freecomicbookday.com/Article/190607-Preview-Marvels-Free-Comic-Book-Day-Titles