I got tagged by PunkNiteMike (yay such a love) to do 20 random facts about me.
1. My first concert ever was David Bowie (Serious Moonlight tour) with Stevie Ray Vaughan on guitar.
2. My dad taught me how to shoot pool when I was 10 and I played in a 9-ball league for six years.
3. I havent seen my real hair color since I was 12.
4. My sons middle name Patrick was for Patrick Kevin Lehigh Donnelly my sisters boyfriend that I stole when I was 14. She has hated me ever since.
5. My mum and grand-mum came to the states as displaced persons from Poland.
6. I had braces when I was 34.
7. I have at least sixty purses, most pre-1970.
8. My mum and I not only live on the same street, but we have the same zip code for the first time in 20 years.
9. I shaved my head when I was 13 to avoid being sent to finishing school (Im not sure what I was finishing no one ever told me)
10. I have a huge collection of stuff from the Wizard of Oz.
11. My first rockstar crush was Mike Ness, who signed my arm at an all ages show after I tripped into him. I didnt wash my arm for two weeks.
12. I was valedictorian of my high-school class.
13. In addition to learning how to knit, sew, crochet, petit point, cross stitch, set a table, clean a floor I played violin for 12 years and took ballet (en pointe) for 9 years.
14. I love really good hamburgers and fries.
15. I own my own tools and know how to use them.
16. My best friend when I was growing up and I decided to go to her prom together to protest narrow-minded people, we panhandled the money for our dresses. (we never got to said prom narrow minded people like to fight)
17. The first song I ever knew all the words to was "Mercedes Benz" (my cradle song from my mum)
18. My grand-mum and my mum are the coolest women I have ever met!
19. I am a complete homebody.
20. My favorite bubble mix is Pustefix.
So, now I get to tag five people:
1. My first concert ever was David Bowie (Serious Moonlight tour) with Stevie Ray Vaughan on guitar.
2. My dad taught me how to shoot pool when I was 10 and I played in a 9-ball league for six years.
3. I havent seen my real hair color since I was 12.
4. My sons middle name Patrick was for Patrick Kevin Lehigh Donnelly my sisters boyfriend that I stole when I was 14. She has hated me ever since.
5. My mum and grand-mum came to the states as displaced persons from Poland.
6. I had braces when I was 34.
7. I have at least sixty purses, most pre-1970.
8. My mum and I not only live on the same street, but we have the same zip code for the first time in 20 years.
9. I shaved my head when I was 13 to avoid being sent to finishing school (Im not sure what I was finishing no one ever told me)
10. I have a huge collection of stuff from the Wizard of Oz.
11. My first rockstar crush was Mike Ness, who signed my arm at an all ages show after I tripped into him. I didnt wash my arm for two weeks.
12. I was valedictorian of my high-school class.
13. In addition to learning how to knit, sew, crochet, petit point, cross stitch, set a table, clean a floor I played violin for 12 years and took ballet (en pointe) for 9 years.
14. I love really good hamburgers and fries.
15. I own my own tools and know how to use them.
16. My best friend when I was growing up and I decided to go to her prom together to protest narrow-minded people, we panhandled the money for our dresses. (we never got to said prom narrow minded people like to fight)
17. The first song I ever knew all the words to was "Mercedes Benz" (my cradle song from my mum)
18. My grand-mum and my mum are the coolest women I have ever met!
19. I am a complete homebody.
20. My favorite bubble mix is Pustefix.
So, now I get to tag five people:

I have, so you'll have to read them at my journal/blog.
Where do you keep more than sixty purses?
Your sister must be very upset about you naming your son Patrick. Hope she doesn't hold it against him.
I'm a complete homebody too.
What is Pustefix? Bubble mix?
Example: "Doc, ya gotta help me! I got Pustefix!"
No, I'm not a member, but I'm no stranger to life on the edge. I was just able to channel that tendency into stage performance, writing, art, music, role playing, hanggliding, skydiving, bungee jumping, cliff-scaling, spelunking, etc.
I often help struggling addicts and will attend meetings with them and although not an addict per se, I sometimes back up sponsors.
Of course, I also sing songs with lyrics like "I need to get loaded and laid," and "Up in Smoke," etc.
And Caroline Says II is a great idea! Big Lou Fan - first show I ever bootlegged was Lou Reed at the Bottom Line in NYC 1979 and I've seen copies cirxulating to this day! Even on the intraweb! Ironically, my masters are long since vanished in the annals of . . . or perhaps the ANALS of time. Don Cherry was special guest. Here's the setlist and info:
Lou Reed at the Bottom Line, NYC 131 minutes - single set show!
Special Guest: Don Cherry
Sweet Jane
I'm Waiting For The Man
Leave Me Alone
Men Of Good Fortune
The Kids
Caroline Says II
The Bed
Sad Song
Walk On The Wild Side
All Through The Night
City Lights
The Bells
Perfect Day
Rock & Roll
Street Hassle
Working on 20 facts in another window (probably gave a few right here!)