okay...i will catch up on people soon....EEEEEE! had to share - just got an email from the department chair....

Hi Nina,

Thank you for your note. I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

The information you have is correct.

At 2:30PM, you will meet with Professors A, B, C in the 6th floor conference room of the
BMC. (This is down the hall from...
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so, complete upheaval (but it seems to be good upheaval, not bad) and a new job* as well?
huzzah, but I still feel like I've missed too much.

as schmoopy, stop it. you're making me blush.

the placement was in critical care, and I spent most of my time in the intensive care side of things (usually respiratory problems and/or multiple organ failure. yeah, a shade depressing at times)

* - do you mean a proper, grown-up job?!? I might be getting one of those at some point...
blush thank you.
ugggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!! Can I rant? I hate moving - with a passion. It sucks, I hate housework, I own way too much clothing, my damn cats are mad at me and peeing wherever they can. My house looks like a crack den. Seriously...And - I just found out I'm overdrawn in my checking account. By 300.00....FUCK!

And - this job that I so desperately want -...
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hate to be cliched but I'm a shakespeare nut so you know who I'm going to say. I know in reality he wasn't that important (except for the fact he fell to a minor noble who just happened to marry into the lines), but just because of the myths that sprung up about him, and the fantastic play (and character, based though it is on Vice) I'd have to say Richard the III.

Yes, it was porridge (second time I've eaten porridge in about nine months than a year, its GOOOd).
Hey long time no speak.
I did indeed have breakfast this morning, cereal, Raisin Bran Crunch.
Henry II, he had the nickname "The Lion of Justice"...that's badass.
Nose wiggling is the best.

What kind of surprise middle do they have? what does he do when he eats them that makes him so cute?
Boogalooshrimp did a great job hey? I LOVE his work, you should check it out if you haven't seen it. Some of his pieces are just so alive. He did this one and I SWORE the girl was going to wink at any minute! surreal
Thank you for your compliments kiss
I am back! Grrr - had NO INTERNET FOR A WEEK!!!! Anyway - I noticed I hadn't updated my journal in a while and figured it's time to go on and off about the bits of randomness that seem to make up my attempt at life these days....

Good things - found an amazing new apartment! Love, love, love it! Costs the same as my...
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wow job... i feel so dumb in the eyes of your (maybe) new title... good luck
I made a mistake in the piercing group and a dude was an ass about it. It was my fault, I should have searched the topic, instead of starting a new thread, but I really didn't deserve him yelling at me.

And boys frustrate me, because they are cute and wonderful and hard to resist. But I think I want to be single, for a very long time.
I have been updating alot lately...Onto my recent life decisions....I am definitely moving to Providence. It's a great city and has alot to offer in terms of work for me and things for the small human to do...My grand-mum was an amazing woman. She always told me the gypsies left me on the doorstep (we are eastern european - this was actually a bad thing!)...
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Thats a really strong story Nina, and I can't help myself from smiling by the end smile You seem quite genuine and compassionate (as ive read on Dating Sucks haha) and I hope everything goes according to that wicked plan of yours. As for a new couch, well ive got an old one out the back I dont use anymore... hehe biggrin
Thank you! For everything! kiss
this is the last day I will be able to play and pretend I have a life....school starts tomorrow and while I am only taking three classes, I am working 30 hours a week....I have no idea how it will all be managed - but much like last semester, it will be managed. I got my grades - b, b-, a-, and an F....an honest...
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Hey there! I was wondering where you had run off to!

Yeah, I'll be fine. Just a rough night...no big deal. I've never tried to stay friends before. It will take some getting used to, but I'll do it.

How has school been treating ya?
Time for an update...I have to admit to liking the new hair now...And I love being able to play with photoshop!!!!

But, onto other life news....My sister has been having a horrible recovery from surgery. My mum and step-dad visit her once a week and had to rush her to the emergency room. It turns out she has developed a rare bacterial infection from lack...
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love the hair, and agree with one of the above posters, about the 2nd pic, gorgeous.

Hopefully it all clears up soon for your sis.
Just thought you might like to hear how you inspired me to inspire the band. We're beginning recording a debut/farewell album tomorrow (we moved my studio yesterday from my house which is not a place to play loud music to my drummer's barn which we soundproofed and redid a while back) and aside from 11 original songs I wrote, and one the drummer wrote, we were only going to do one cover, "Love Will Keep Us Together," just because we did it as a joke and the audience loved it (it's a bit mor acid-edged than the original). anyway, I was working out a solo acoustic arrangement for Jokerman that you inspired and while singing it, they thought I wrote it, and I said "No; it's another in the long list of Dylan songs I WISH I'd written."

They all decided we should record it, and during rehearsal it segued nicely into Marley's "Stir It Up," so two Bobs will be represented on our album. Jokermnan's pretty reggae the way we're doing it - I wouldn't let them listen to Bob's versions so it would really be our arrangement with me being the only one prejudiced by the original.

Thanks! kiss kiss
I'm doing okay despite the bad news of having to move...
i hope your mood improves soon!

i miss you too.. kiss
Yes he is very cute, I love him so much, but they do take a look of work to stay happy, they need lots of love and exercise and room to play and lots of stuff for them to play with.

What about gizmo makes you so happy? Why are things not going good with your boytoy?

date tonight...(YAY!!!!)

I had the haircut (or, more accurately, an almost complete lack of hair) up until 7 or 8 weeks ago...
partial liver transplant? could work... but then again, I couldn't have the scar tissue on my conscience. or the minor inconvenience of you not having a whole, hale, healthy liver

you have just used both pfffft and pshaw, which prevents me from using them. foiled once again. good idea, but I think that if I was going to get a liver transplant, I'd wait until the current one craps out on me. I'm going to have a couple of years of sobriety if this happens, so I'm in no hurry for this to happen.

also, and more importantly, I can think of better reasons to visit the states than a partial liver transplant...
my sister had her exploratory surgery today to see if the cancer spread to her lymphnodes..the doctor said it looks as though it didn't - which is so good to know! They have to run the rest of the tests - but it looks as though she will be okay to have the mastectomy and reconstruction - this month...She is glowing green from the radioactive...
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good news about your sister.
Though i realize she's got a long haul ahead of her with even more surgery.

I think your "Goofy ass" poem is actually quite clever,
then again....
i usually get Sarcasm biggrin
so... when is the next date with the new guy?
woah - your job sounds like organisational hell and a bit like kindergarten for adults!
new post...I survived my scary night in campus hell..Shortly after freaking out - I ran into my car and haven't been back since...I did take pictures of the scary hallways - but the damn nightvision kicked in on my camera - and it doesn't look as scary as it was....

BUT - I HAVE A BOYTOY!!!!! (yay me!) I had a date yesterday...A good date...A...
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Saw your yourtube link in a friend of mines journal of Pretty Green by the Jam - one of my fave songs...Ah memories of the 80's!!
Well congrats on the boytoy!
Ten years ain't nuthin!
Sounds like you're doing OK without that manual... so when you find it, can I have it first?!?
I was amazing the other day...tonight - not so much...I have no small human this weekend and I am spending my Saturday night at work...I am trolling for pity and sympathy...I am the only person in my office and campus police just locked me into the building....Kind of scary - I am having visions of murderous ex-interns coming back to kill me.....
Love the new profile pic! The colour looks great on you!

Sorry you were locked up by the campus police. When I was in college the first time, a girl on my floor was KNOCKED up by the campus police. Girl was apparently kaboodled and in blackout mode, or possibly passed out. Big scandal ensued but nothing ever camoe out of it -of course, this was in a city where the mayor got videotaped with a hooker, buying crack, and got reelected, so go figure. Hope you got out okay.

I played "3 Drunk Newts" for you last night.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Three drunk newts, three drunk newts.
See how they crawl; see how they crawl.
Creeping down your legs and feet,
Looking for a snack to eat,
They can't even keep the beat.
Three drunk newts, three drunk newts.

Three stoned newts, three stoned newts.
High as kites, Yeah! High as kites.
They rumble in the parking lot,
They score a lid of seedless pot.
Really hope they don't get caught,
Three stoned newts, Yo! three stoned newts.

Three wild newts, three wild newts.
Causing a big scene, they're rowdy as can be.
They licky sticky loopy juice,
They're out to punish and abuse.
Look out! 'Cause they're on the loose.
Three wild newts, three wild newts.

Look at their tails; aren't they pretty?
Look at their tails, itty-fitty,
Wish I had a tail . . .
. . . But I don't!!
(Boy, We're high tongiht!!! Like, really high!! Let's got get us some some
women....how a man does!! Salamander....!!)

Let me tell you a tale about a trio of hot newts on parade....
They had Saturday Newt Fever and . . .
They was burning....
. . . But they got a little too hot, dig?

Three dead newts, three dead newts.
See how they rot, see how they rot.
Left out in the noonday sun,
dry and stiff and too well done.
That's the end of their newt fun.
Three dead newts,
three dead newts,
three dead newts....

They're gone now,
they've lived life too hard....
Yeah, bye newts, goodbye....
sleep good....
sweet dreams....


I played a lot last night, and with a sprained wrist I've been working with and riding the Harley with for two weeks. It's really swollen now. The deal was a garand for 3 hours with a half hour break, but I played solo an hour early and then the whole band played from 10 to 3 with 2 breaks. I'll post the setlist when I finish screwing my head back on. I must have drunk several pots of coffee and a couple gallons of water last night. The at 5 a, when I got home I couldn't sleep. But, man, could I piss!!!

Anyway, the gig was for a large fraternity and they said they'll have us back. Guess they were drunk enough not to realize we're not that good. But we can fake it and ad lib all night and what we (actually, I'm the only talentless one) lack in skill, we (I) replace with mindless energy. Actually, I've had stage fright every time I've performed in front of an audience, be it music, acting, public speaking, teaching or satisfying former lovers' exhibitionist streaks (pun not originally intended, but I think I'll keep it). In some of those situations, like music, I can take that intense fear and channel it into performance energy.

Okay, enough rambling. I hurt and I yuawn and I gotta get up at 6 tomorrow and I haven't put away the 3 guitars, bass, keyboard, microphones, effects boards and all the other crap yet, so I have to go proscratinate some more beforew I blow it off and go to bed.

I really hope your'e all right. kiss

I have a confession.
I've never actually read the Joyce story.
(puts up right hand) I saw the musical.
I think I liked the story better.

Current fav Irish writer: Beckett
Why? I'm the dramaturg at the Utah Beckett Festival
In the next few days, I will learn more about Beckett than anyone should ever know.
For example, Beckett's burial wishes were that he should be flushed down the toilet in the Trinity Theatre fifteen minutes from go time. Was he joking? Possibly. Did it happen? Yes.

Beckett is *the* vaudevillian.
