well my cousin ( bernie ( see last jornal entry ) came home today. He had a major heart attack four days ago. See my cousin has really played the role of my father for the past 15 years or so. well hes been like my father, friend, confadont, and really the only possative male role model in my life up until last summer. so this has hit me really hard. see hes only 44 never had heart problems before or anything like that. he had a friend ( jeff ) over from denver CO. and it was his last night so they where up drinking. around 12:00-12:30ish his wife heather went upstairs to go to bed. he stayed downstairs until about 1:30am when he went to go to the bathroom and collapsed. his dogs are the onlythings that saved his life. after not being able to wake him they ran upstairs and woke up his wife and pulled her out of bed. he was rushed to the hospital here and from 1:30-4:00 he had 1 major heart attack and 4-5 minor ones. went threw the surgery ( dont remember the name but they cut his groin and went in with a tube into his heart to unblock his arteries. ) with no pain meds. becouse it would have lowered his already dangerously low blood pressure and couldnt put him under for he might not come out of it. see the Irish and natives do have things in common our refusal to die. but on a serious note its good to have you back bernie we all needed you here.
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