After a few weeks of browsing craigslist and being discouraged by how few places were open, I finally settled on a place in the City to move to in a week. It looked good enough, it's a small room in a big place, on a busy street but in a good neighborhood, with cool people who haven't yet been able to afford furniture. In other words, one step up from a garret in the Mission, but maybe a bit less than I was hoping for. Still, I'm glad to finally be moving to the city, and to not have to spend two hours and six dollars every work day on BART. fuck that. On the other hand, it means I will likely have to choose between the cool but not very attractive girl in SF that I've been dating, or the cooler, but more unattractive girl in Berkeley. Or neither? Or both? Of course, having only two free nights a week makes juggling pretty hard. OK i'm rambling now. This happens sometimes when I'm bored and updating my journal, I lose my train of ..... Hey look, a blue car!
More Blogs
Thursday Apr 23, 2009
Funny, I just wasted an hour reading through my old journal entries. … -
Tuesday Mar 17, 2009
hmm, I just realized I should update my profile. Um, later. -
Tuesday Feb 17, 2009
Just got a gift membership for 3 months from a secret admirer. I've … -
Tuesday May 08, 2007
Words of advice: never sort junk mail while high. *Especially* not … -
Wednesday Nov 15, 2006
Get off the internet, I'll meet you in the streets Get off the inter… -
Thursday Jul 13, 2006
Joyeux Fete Nationale, mes amis! -
Tuesday Jul 11, 2006
hmm, that only lasted about a month.... I guess I really am hooked. … -
Friday May 19, 2006
hey world! wtf? I took the weekend off work to go to a Burning Ma… -
Monday May 08, 2006
Went to the HowWeird Street Faire yesterday, got a sunburn, and dance… -
Sunday Apr 30, 2006
When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run, T…