I am not addicted to any drug or alcohol the occasional drunk fun is all I need. My older sister Kim, has fought addiction for years she started at a young age about 13. She came back into our lives at 22 when she came to live with us I was 12 going on to 13 we became a lot closer and I became aware of her heroine addiction she was struggling with everything she never did it in front of me. She kept me away when she was shooting up but I was there when she was stoned. I was her side kick I went where she did. Until she ended up in jail where we had to tell her our grandfather passed away. She got out and had to go in to rehab I was always there when she got out of her blackout times she went to 3 facilities. I went every Wednesday no matter who brought me years have passed and she had been 2 years going on to 3 when her girlfriend cheated on her and ended up pregnant with a man's child. I was 17 close to 18. The pain was unbelievable for her, but I was there she came and slept on my floor and we talked for hours she admitted she shot up. She received a call from the man's x-gf the man who got her girl friend pregnant she wasn't the only one who got cheated on. That ended the sleep over, the woman had a child with the man as well. . .she and my sister went drinking then ended up staying together. 1 1/5 years later still together but abusing heavily zannax I know that's not how you spell it. She has fallen and has started stealing and gotten out of control. I have told my mom and she has told me that I have a chance to tell her that she needs to stop before I get family involved maybe that will kick start a change but I don't know how to exactly tell her without it being confronting and "coming at her". Help?
@Urirl_ I have them prescribed to me as well for sleep, which she thinks is very unfair. She's already taking suboxen. @Tmk yeah I am the closest well was the closest before she got with this enabling woman came into the picture it's me and my grandmother who are the ones who can talk to her but I am trying to avoid telling my grandmother because it will break her heart and she's not getting any younger. @Jedoro when she came and visited she had said something about taking them and I told her she shouldn't be taking them at all that bad things happen to her when she's high. She laughed at me @Midnightrider454 if she's high I will bring it right up to my mom again because I can't wait until she's not high that's another day she could go to jail or crash a car. @Almost_missed she's such a stubborn person I am hoping she will listen thank you forall the ananswers
I hate to say it, but you've done what you can, aside from using some kind of force. Anything that happens now, is on her. Just be close enough that you can hear her when she finally cries for help.