There's a time in every man's life when her comes to the inevitable realization that all women are insane. For me, it was about a month ago.
Now, the real trick is deciding whether I want to keep fighting against this overwhelming tide of bizzaro logic and emotions that are thrown at me on a regular basis, or to bend like the willow tree in...
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Happy birthday, baby! kiss
And oh my gosh ... you say insane like it's a bad thing! wink
Went to a really awesome show at the a couple of weeks ago, Cradle of Filth and Arch Enemy. Arch Enemy blew me away, they were even better than I had hoped they would be! Too bad their set was so short though...
Thank you very much for your comment biggrin
Been sick since Saturday, this cold is kicking the shit out of me.
There was a big party full of metal-heards last saturday that I was supposed to attend. Didn't go, but it ended up making the news. People were throwing funiture through the windows and trashing the place, and then set the house on fire while the band was still playing in the bacement!...
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hey fellow vancouverite biggrin
sounds like a pretty wild party ya missed. i seem to miss pretty much all of them, all except the ones in my head.
the chicken situation is under control for now, but it is slowly creeping into my BAWK regular KAW er, vocabulary...hope yer cold's gettin better! surreal
huh, never had a journal before, I wonder if anyone would actually read this...
skull I do like the icons though, very metal.

Hmm, well got a new guitar last weekend. Well "new" to me I guess. It's a 1992 US made Jackson Fusion. It's pretty sweet, all hand made and has great action, but red though. I'm not big on red.

I get next week...
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Someone read it.