I was concerned that the Ralph Steadmanesque typeface on my previous design would present potential legibility issues, especially when shrunk down to a thumbnail for an Amazon search listing. This seems to solve that without going too conservative or generic.
So, rather excitingly, I have been commissioned to produce cover art for a poetry book by a very talented writer called Mike Essig.
This is where I'm at. Thoughts?
Now let's put the clippers on that high shelf up there where I can't reach them.
I wrote this piece about my last place of work. I escaped. Hope you do, too.
More like this on my YouTube channel.
New videos on my YouTube channel, including this one:
I must confess, I'm not much of a fan of vampire fiction. There have been a few rare and gleaming exceptions, like I Am Legend by Richard Matheson or the character of Cassidy in Garth Ennis' delightfully debauched Preacher comic book series, but mostly it's a genre that's left me pretty indifferent. I had no interest in Anne Rice's books and even less in the...
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