Come see Nikki Roszko, author of Trading Futuresread/perform
in honor of National Poetry Month.
Where: Book Corner (aka "Friends of the Free Library")
When: Friday, April 15, 2005 4:00 PM
With A.V. Christie, author of The Housing
The difference between a moth and butterfly is stripes and spots. With this line, Roszko sets the tone for what is an uneasy journey into a dark corner of poetic musing. Invariably, Roszko chooses moths over butterflies, the ugly against the beautiful. Her poetry is tainted with the obscene as commonplace, flights of sexual fancy and furtive trysts under stairwells, back alley abortionsthe subject matter is treated seriously, but as a testament to the world we live in.
Frank S. Palmisano III
Main Street Rag Reviews, Winter 2004
Check it out
in honor of National Poetry Month.
Where: Book Corner (aka "Friends of the Free Library")
When: Friday, April 15, 2005 4:00 PM
With A.V. Christie, author of The Housing
The difference between a moth and butterfly is stripes and spots. With this line, Roszko sets the tone for what is an uneasy journey into a dark corner of poetic musing. Invariably, Roszko chooses moths over butterflies, the ugly against the beautiful. Her poetry is tainted with the obscene as commonplace, flights of sexual fancy and furtive trysts under stairwells, back alley abortionsthe subject matter is treated seriously, but as a testament to the world we live in.
Frank S. Palmisano III
Main Street Rag Reviews, Winter 2004
Check it out
What a beautiful picture you just put up! 

Very beautiful first pic in your folder ! Fine B&W with great contrast, I love that !