this entry is inspired by petiteparadox.
The past five years of my life have been absolutely insane--I've fit more in than most people do in their entire lifetimes. Let's see--I've been a barista, a bartender, a legal secretary, a medical clerk, a nude model, a foot goddess, i've popped balloons naked, i've taught middle school and high school students about civil liberties, i've toured the...
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The past five years of my life have been absolutely insane--I've fit more in than most people do in their entire lifetimes. Let's see--I've been a barista, a bartender, a legal secretary, a medical clerk, a nude model, a foot goddess, i've popped balloons naked, i've taught middle school and high school students about civil liberties, i've toured the...
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Happy Birthday and Happy New Year!!!

Yay - what a way to start out the new year! Happy HAPPY!!!

newd photos
newd photos
New short nudie set up. Thanks Evan!!!
like the background... could have been an awesome full set...
i guess evan is your photographer? i really like the lighting in that one pic with the sun coming through the window right on your face.
I posted some photos from a set I did with a photographer in Philadelphia Rob Asman. They're sweet. Check em out.
Gotta say, those are some sweet pics.
btw: Thanks for the add on

btw: Thanks for the add on

Come see Nikki Roszko, author of Trading Futuresread/perform
in honor of National Poetry Month.
Where: Book Corner (aka "Friends of the Free Library")
When: Friday, April 15, 2005 4:00 PM
With A.V. Christie, author of The Housing
The difference between a moth and butterfly is stripes and spots. With this line, Roszko sets the tone for what is an uneasy journey into a dark...
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in honor of National Poetry Month.
Where: Book Corner (aka "Friends of the Free Library")
When: Friday, April 15, 2005 4:00 PM
With A.V. Christie, author of The Housing
The difference between a moth and butterfly is stripes and spots. With this line, Roszko sets the tone for what is an uneasy journey into a dark...
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What a beautiful picture you just put up! 

Very beautiful first pic in your folder ! Fine B&W with great contrast, I love that !

you and i snaking across and bare your shape defiant we slip fingers we slip tongues you and i finding places inside each other to hide everything inside me is opening and closing with a cervical motion the colors irradiant gripping pictures to my chest of everybody i have ever known then one slipping into the other hits a lull and i see that you...
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I really don't feel like taking my clothes off tonight but I needs the money. The other pictures came out good even though R. cut my head off leaving me a limbless faceless torso. I think he's obsessed with my tits. L's pictures included my face which was nice and I got to shoot a book with a fake UZI. Hell yeah.
today i am very tired. i was up all night doing things i probably shouldn't have been doing and eating sushi. i get to see my naked sword pictures this week. hot damn.
so all you philly sg people should come out for black strip withdrawal at doc watsons c/o plain parade on mar. 4. hot girls with instruments making loud f-ing rock and roll. (our drummer is not a hot girl but he looks good in drag).
cool. I have to see u play sometime. good taste in music by the way.

nico_icon said onJanuary 19, 2004 06:34 PMEDIT making mad noise. shredded bluegrass riffs into an electro-blender. washed my hair with nostalgia this morning and I can still smell it. bought a pack of cigarettes. i know eventually this will kill me. i was thinking about women musicians who were on the edges of rock movements. we so easily fall through cracks. nobody listens while we...
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Can you add Linda Perry to that list?
We would love for you to come out for the Burlesque pre dinner and afterparty for the down?..check SGPhilly for details...

i forgot to mention that as a part of my new year's resolution i intend to have more fun in '04. rock and roll is not about smooth perfection it's about freakin' fun and it's about freakin' time.
i missed them at the 1st u church... but i'll be going to the khyber sunday to catch two ex-arab on radar fellas. you should go, there will be some spaz out rockin goin on.
making mad noise. shredded bluegrass riffs into an electro-blender. washed my hair with nostalgia this morning and I can still smell it. bought a pack of cigarettes. i know eventually this will kill me. i was thinking about women musicians who were on the edges of rock movements. we so easily fall through cracks. nobody listens while we are alive and forget us when we die. long live lydia lunch, grace slick, annie lennox, nico (of course), polystyrene, ari up, pj harvey, patti smith, kathleen hanna, siouxie...the list goes on.