8:29 a.m.
That's about it.
Life is really hard sometimes.
It's difficult to sit with hands tied,
to machinate around the universe.
It has to catch you sometimes.
One step closer to,
Who the hell knows?
Tired of spiraling, drowning, scrambling.
No choice.
Things will get better.
They have to.
They always do.
So last night I dreamed that I was in my old high school, and Flux came in and got me, and she had this giant thing of discs that held all my pictures. It was so funny, especially considering the conservative christian school I went to. The irony was delicious.
No dreams other than that.
Sleep was not restful, or restorative.
But the dream did make me smile.
And because it made me giggle last night, here you go.
8:29 a.m.
That's about it.
Life is really hard sometimes.
It's difficult to sit with hands tied,
to machinate around the universe.
It has to catch you sometimes.
One step closer to,
Who the hell knows?
Tired of spiraling, drowning, scrambling.
No choice.
Things will get better.
They have to.
They always do.
So last night I dreamed that I was in my old high school, and Flux came in and got me, and she had this giant thing of discs that held all my pictures. It was so funny, especially considering the conservative christian school I went to. The irony was delicious.

No dreams other than that.
Sleep was not restful, or restorative.
But the dream did make me smile.
And because it made me giggle last night, here you go.
Cheer up woman. If you don't, I will be forced to figure out a way to get myself to you and make you cheer up!
That fish slapping dance was funny. It made me giggle!!!