A lot of shit has happened since my last post...almost 4 months ago. Apparently, I a gay dude I was friends with was telling our common friends we were a fucking couple, the woman I was seeing became too worried about the age gad (8 years older)... bleh
I have planned a shoot next weekend, hopefully my first publication. Anxious as hell.
Thinking about doing an MA on Emergency/Disaster Management, just figuring a way to get the cash/scholarship and leave CR for a while.
I started running differently on Christmas after reading a book about the Raramuri in Northern Mexico, a tribe of indigenous people who went to Copper Canyon (not sure if that's the right name) running away from the Spanish during the Colonization and are natural born runners. Really, they could run 150miles/300km without stopping...on sandals.
After a while, right knee got way to fucked up for a while. But, as weird as my body is, went running today on a soccer field wearing a pair of Converse, hurt quite a bit for a few instants then nothing. Needed that...badly.
Strange as it is, I know I'm an obsessive guy. I fixate on getting 1 thing done, and after a while I've achieved that, I get bored and look for my next goal. Perhaps obsessive is a bit harsh, but if I didn't have this quality trait, I don't think my photos would be that interesting. David Bailey said that all photographers were sexual in any case. I just dunno if I should drop photo for a while cause it doesn't pay a lot here unless you do weddings...and I'm not the wedding type.
Oh, and an awesome thing happened. A band took me on a short trip for 2 concerts next door. My pay was to NOT pay the trip, gas or stay. Pretty sweet stuff.
And now, the cool part of this rant-y!
A lot of shit has happened since my last post...almost 4 months ago. Apparently, I a gay dude I was friends with was telling our common friends we were a fucking couple, the woman I was seeing became too worried about the age gad (8 years older)... bleh
I have planned a shoot next weekend, hopefully my first publication. Anxious as hell.
Thinking about doing an MA on Emergency/Disaster Management, just figuring a way to get the cash/scholarship and leave CR for a while.
I started running differently on Christmas after reading a book about the Raramuri in Northern Mexico, a tribe of indigenous people who went to Copper Canyon (not sure if that's the right name) running away from the Spanish during the Colonization and are natural born runners. Really, they could run 150miles/300km without stopping...on sandals.
After a while, right knee got way to fucked up for a while. But, as weird as my body is, went running today on a soccer field wearing a pair of Converse, hurt quite a bit for a few instants then nothing. Needed that...badly.
Strange as it is, I know I'm an obsessive guy. I fixate on getting 1 thing done, and after a while I've achieved that, I get bored and look for my next goal. Perhaps obsessive is a bit harsh, but if I didn't have this quality trait, I don't think my photos would be that interesting. David Bailey said that all photographers were sexual in any case. I just dunno if I should drop photo for a while cause it doesn't pay a lot here unless you do weddings...and I'm not the wedding type.
Oh, and an awesome thing happened. A band took me on a short trip for 2 concerts next door. My pay was to NOT pay the trip, gas or stay. Pretty sweet stuff.
And now, the cool part of this rant-y!

KAY! I love that area of work, the MA's are waaay too expensive though...even for online MAs haha.