Hey hey
So, I realized that it's been 20+ days since my last post. Things have been hectic, got an internship (that'll be finalized this coming week) with an international organization and I'll be working on the human trafficking branch. This, my dears, means that I've been reading studies, documents and manuals about the legal systems of the countries in the region to understand what they need to change to be effective against this.
Other than that, I got to shoot a band for their promo work. Super psyched. The first part (studio) is done, now we're trying to go to a location to shoot there. I'll share the photos when I can. Same thing with a french girl who came here to Costa Rica and wanted to shoot some nudes in nature.
In the meantime, I leave you with the photo above.
Bellow is the debbie downer part of the update. Skip it if you wish

So, I realized that it's been 20+ days since my last post. Things have been hectic, got an internship (that'll be finalized this coming week) with an international organization and I'll be working on the human trafficking branch. This, my dears, means that I've been reading studies, documents and manuals about the legal systems of the countries in the region to understand what they need to change to be effective against this.
Other than that, I got to shoot a band for their promo work. Super psyched. The first part (studio) is done, now we're trying to go to a location to shoot there. I'll share the photos when I can. Same thing with a french girl who came here to Costa Rica and wanted to shoot some nudes in nature.
In the meantime, I leave you with the photo above.
Bellow is the debbie downer part of the update. Skip it if you wish
It shouldn't be too long for the magazine with some photos of mine to be out and also an interesting shoot I assisted for with one of Costa Rica's most recognized models
Well...that's it
Kay, I'm trying
How are you??

Love the picture you left us with...wow! Hang in there and congrates on the intership. Your talents and life continue to amaze.Hope to bump into again in chat somtime. xxx