Today Sublyminull and I have been together for a year. I cannot believe so much time has passed. He is the most patient, loving, annoying man I have ever had the pleasure of sharing my life with.
We tried to celebrate mostly yesterday and though my mind was crazy distracted we still had some fun. I got new nose rings, he got new shoes, I got the Domiknitrix knitting book at a discount cuz the cashier said it had goo on it hehe, got us some Starbucks, and then went to get massages. I was sposed to get a relaxing massage...instead she tried to murder me. She found the knots that have been in my left shoulderblade area for years and got rid of em. I let her do it in hopes of fixing the pain those knots cause me. But maaaan did it hurt!
Then we came home and went to bed at 6:30 haha I woke up for a lil but shortly went back to bed.
Grampa News
We tried to celebrate mostly yesterday and though my mind was crazy distracted we still had some fun. I got new nose rings, he got new shoes, I got the Domiknitrix knitting book at a discount cuz the cashier said it had goo on it hehe, got us some Starbucks, and then went to get massages. I was sposed to get a relaxing massage...instead she tried to murder me. She found the knots that have been in my left shoulderblade area for years and got rid of em. I let her do it in hopes of fixing the pain those knots cause me. But maaaan did it hurt!
Then we came home and went to bed at 6:30 haha I woke up for a lil but shortly went back to bed.
Grampa News
but, gratz you two