Today's itinerary:
9am: Wake up, Shower.
10am: Dress
10:30am: Devour the souls of a thousand unborn children
11am: Drive to the bank
11:25am: Deposit paycheck
12:30pm: Rape and pillage a small cambodian township
1pm: Fly back from Cambodia, Make sure to get extra bags of those little airline peanuts that I love
4pm: Volunteer down at the orphanage
5pm: Burn orphanage to the ground
6pm: Be sure to make it home for 'Frasier'
7pm: Take dog for a walk
7:30pm: Give dog a bath
8pm: Feed dog remaining orphan souls
8:30pm: Finish reading new Tom Clancy novel
9pm: Shower
10pm: Say prayers to the Dark One
10:15pm: Bed
9am: Wake up, Shower.
10am: Dress
10:30am: Devour the souls of a thousand unborn children
11am: Drive to the bank
11:25am: Deposit paycheck
12:30pm: Rape and pillage a small cambodian township
1pm: Fly back from Cambodia, Make sure to get extra bags of those little airline peanuts that I love
4pm: Volunteer down at the orphanage
5pm: Burn orphanage to the ground
6pm: Be sure to make it home for 'Frasier'
7pm: Take dog for a walk
7:30pm: Give dog a bath
8pm: Feed dog remaining orphan souls
8:30pm: Finish reading new Tom Clancy novel
9pm: Shower
10pm: Say prayers to the Dark One
10:15pm: Bed
Alright, group snuggles all around, and post haste! And while you're at it, can you ask the Dark One to bend time and space so we can snuggle with all the other cool people here but not physicall here, too?